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  Topic: Uncommonly Dense Thread 2, general discussion of Dembski's site< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 590
Joined: Sep. 2004

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 19 2008,22:11   

Gil Dodgen speaks, wrapping science, politics and religion into one big happy bundle.  For the record:




9:42 pm

I find the following interesting: the difference between the worldviews of chance worshipers and those who have concluded that the universe and life were designed for a purpose.

The big surprise is that modern science has provided virtually irrefutable evidence that the universe and life were designed, and not the product of chance and necessity. This was a major factor in my conversion from militant atheism to Christianity in 1994.

The U.S., with its Judeo-Christian values, has done more for the world in promoting freedom and justice than any other civilization in the history of the world, and at a great cost.

I follow the evidence where it leads, and the evidence is that chance-and-necessity materialism is completely bankrupt on many levels, and that Judeo-Christian values — when taken seriously and implemented in one’s life and the culture in general — produce the most good. I’m an engineer. When I figure out what works I don’t argue with the results.

I am incredibly humbled by those who have gone before me and have made so many sacrifices to give me the freedom and opportunities I enjoy. This debt cannot be repaid, but its payment by another can be appreciated, and that is the Gospel of Christianity.


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