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  Topic: Difference between Global Warming Science, and global warming politics?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: April 17 2008,00:14   

yeah, Fifference, i was just trying to play Old 97.  on the rest of it i had no opinion, and who would ever want to admit that.  i plead the filth.  

changed my mind about no opinion.  Hey there Joe Schmoe, what is the material threshold where you, as an individual (and not as a republican or a minn-e-sooooo-tan or what have you), give a fuck, about something as abstract and non-referential to reality as 'global mean temperature'?

Aren't there a host of lower level phenomena that are much better proxies for things most people give a shit about?

if it got too warm for speckled trout, for instance, I would lead a march upon Richmond.  or Charlotte.  or Atlanta.  again.  or at least nashville.  or knoxville.  perhaps parrotsville.  but sommers by god.  

but global temperature?  nah.  too abstract.  pretty much a meaningless number.  most of us took stats you know.  -rolls eyes, tosses hair, throws up a little bit in mouth-

if we had a better currency of comparison than these big global numbers that i know for sure are to only be taken with a swig of ye olde charcoal flavored, as well as a grain of salt and a dose of salve.  you might convince more of the old guard, the hook and bullet crowd and the savvy agrobusiness types that surely can smell the change in the wind and start hyping losses due to 'climate change' and all of that litigious bullshit that makes scientist poo poo just a little bit down their britches leg.  but that is the kinda frame that makes this shit purty to look at.  No thanks for me.

wasn't there a recent nature or science paper about climate change and range shifts of about 40 species?  those are the sort of empirical data that are difficult to argue away as politics (skeptic.... nevermind).  And they refer to things that make sense to Everyman.  

If you grant an ontology to status quo, then it is hard to have an objective conversation about this issue.  black fist?

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles

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