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  Topic: The Traveling Twin Takes a Short Cut, Continuation of MG v Demski Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Thought Provoker

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 03 2008,11:01   

Hi Olegt,

Thank you for responding and thank you for the summary.

I realize that my terminology isn't standard and causes friction.  For example, to me "quantum information" and "quantum entanglement" and "quanglement" are all the same thing.

Of course, that means I appear oblivious to subtle details and shades of philosophical differences that is important to those who hold them.

Yes, I nod my head when I realise you are arguing distinctions I don't find important.  However, I thank you for the external view point and your patience.

As to experimental data for Penrose.  Again, here is the link to Penrose's proposed FELIX experiment.Towards quantum superpositions of a mirror

The brings us to to justifying the default position or, as you say, "Standard QM" while we wait for experimental confirmation.  What is the "Standard QM" explanation for why BuckyBalls exhibit coherence but baseballs don't?  If the quote from the BuckyBall experimenters is any indication it comes down to assuming there is unexplainable magic behind Heisenberg's pronouncement.

So, by "Standard QM" could an isolated planet-size rock in an isolated part of space be in superposition as long as there is no chance anyone could measure both position and momentum?

Penrose has a logical explanation.  Mass, whether in superposition or not, curves space.  The larger the mass, the steeper the curve.  Ergo, coherence is time limited for objects with mass, the larger the mass, the shorter the time.

Coherence of massless photons can be maintained forever.

Coherence of very light electrons have a long time limit.

Coherence of heavier atoms have shorter time limits.

Coherence of BuckyBalls is too short to do much more than interference patterns.

Coherence of Baseballs is so short as to be undetectable.

It's not like Penrose is suggesting an unidentified Designer using an unspecified mechanism to keep his magic hidden.

So, can you summarize your interpretation as to why BuckyBalls exhibit coherence and baseballs don't?

  124 replies since Jan. 25 2008,22:00 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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