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  Topic: Wildlife, What's in your back yard?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 06 2009,05:43   

I love this stuff. As much fun as it is to sometimes look through a microscope and see weird stuff oozing and swimming and tumbling around, I'm finding my real passion is walking out in the bush and taking photos.

Bugguide is an example of one site I use a lot for bugs, but it has two limitations:

One, it's Americentric, so it won't be a lot of good to you except to get you in the general ballpark.

Two, it's useless if you don't have at pretty good idea of what you're looking at to begin with. Since it's arranged taxonomically, and some families and even genera have thousands of species... well, it's kind of awkward.

I usually start with my Audubon field guides (I have the ones for birds, trees, reptiles and amphibians, and insects and spiders). They'll get me pointed in the right direction, even if they only show the most common critters.

Then I do the google thing, and search for a species name of whatever I found in the guide that sort of looks like what I have in the photo.

Then I can go to Bugguide or to Cornell's Ornithology site or whatever, depending on the critter, and usually I can get pretty close.

Then I post the shots here. If I note that I haven't nailed a critter down, usually Alby or someone will come along and lend a hand.

Also, my profs are always quick to drop whatever they're doing and chase down an identification of things they've not seen before. They sort of have that "oooo shiny!" look in their eye... I love that.

I've also been known to inappropriately but precociously email photos to Important People with Important Jobs™ and ask for a little help. (see a page or three back in this thread regarding a sulphur butterfly)

ETA: Advice from a n00b:

First and foremost, use a good camera. I can't even express to you the joy of getting home and uploading the pictures I've taken to discover I've got a shot that to me is just a gorgeous photo in addition to being useful for identification of a species.

It's nearly as good as sex with Arden's mom.

Edited by Lou FCD on Oct. 06 2009,06:45

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