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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 24 2007,04:38   

Oh and incidentally, whilst I remember:

"Hotness" is not an inherent property of blondes or brunettes like "heaviness" is of rocks and feathers. Unless you define "hotness" the question is meaningless and you and I both know the second you define it, that the question has parameters and thus is open to reasoned enquiry. "Hotness" refers to a concept dependant on other concepts and certain frmaeworks existing. In that sense it's like money. Take all the humans off the planet, blink us all out of existence, how much is the money in your bank worth? Not a thing. Why? Because the value of your money is dependant on a series of other concepts and a series of social frameworks and agreements.

In exactly the same way the "hotness" of blondes or brunettes is dependant on other concepts and frameworks and agreements. In the absence of those it is a meaningless concept and the question is a non sequitur. Ergo it is utterly unanswerable by any means, reasoned or otherwise. The very second yu blink all us humans back into existence, and all the frameworks, concepts and agreements by which "hotness" is defined, then the question once again has a defined context and is answerable by reason.

Blink humans out of existence and rocks and feathers still have mass (as far as we can tell!). That's why your question fails to do the job you are trying to use it to do (using reason I note).

SO you are dealing with two different sets of concepts: one subjective (defined by its relevant context) and one objective (an inherent proerty if the system under observation). As long as the context is taken into account one can answer and explore any subjective question in exactly the manner one can explore an objective question. Remove the context and the subjective question becomes meaningless. In the absence of blondes, brunettes and a social framework in which there is a sense of "hotness", the question means nothing at all and cannot be answered by any means. The answer to the contextless question "Are blondes hotter than brunettes" is "blue" "999 and a bag of frankfurters" and "bibble wibble wobble bobble gurgle blurgle". All those answers (and myriad more) answer that contextless question equally well. Snap the context back in, i.e define your terms and form a coherent question, and boom, you have an answer open to reason.

The same goes for moral questions by the way, they are context dependant and in that context open to reasoned enquiry. Outside that context they are meaningless non sequiturs and simple restatement of them is a clear indication of semantic and rhetorical silliness.



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