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Mister DNA

Posts: 466
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 02 2008,16:33   

Quote (stevestory @ Jan. 02 2008,16:20)
Quote (Annyday @ Jan. 02 2008,17:16)
Congratulations to FtK and Sal on managing to finally get a reasonably extended discussion of just how icky horse sex is. I'm just going to assume you enjoy it, due to the sheer willfulness with which you've pushed to center your position on ranting about sex with animals, incest, orgies, homosexuality, marriage and pedophilia.

Your logical connection with "Darwinism" is nonexistant, delusional, and already easily refuted. The rest of this is unrelated bad logic and appeal to emotion. By "emotion" I mean "fear, disgust and hate", which I guess some people are into. I won't touch that, and since you won't properly support any other argument - for instance, a scientific one - at all, that leaves nothing worth saying.

Have fun.

Maybe FtK is concerned about it because rural right-wingers enjoy sex with animals.

Us big-city atheists don't share their perversions.

Does anyone here remember Neal Horsley's "Christian Gallery" website?

Actually, it's still up and it makes Fred Phelps' site look positively tame by comparison.

Years ago, he used to have a page up that advocated the use of nuclear weapons against major US cities - there was an infamous page of graphics that showed why the cities needed to be nuked.

CBEB's: The Church Burnin' Ebola Blog
Thank you, Dr. Dembski. You are without peer when it comes to The Argument Regarding Design. - vesf

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