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  Topic: The thread of liberation, free your mind and the rest will follow< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: June 09 2007,16:00   

Quote (BWE @ June 04 2007,00:37)
No. I get it. Give me a pittle bit of technology and i win. End of story. Numbers matter not. Other than for very short anger moments where they kill a bunch of corrupt leaders. A new crop pops right up. The educated  group always wins in the long run. Since it's relative (education levels) it just means the top 10 or 5 or 1% of the ambitious people who get educated win. It's not that it's right, it's that it's reality.

I've read Marx but I've also read Weber, Locke, Montesquieu (sp?), Blake (whom I consider equally as profound :)) Mill and many others and I live in the world where people try to make other people play fair and sometimes they don't. And remember, C is average.

Not that I give a damn, but well over half of humanity is stupid to the point that they would die left alone.

My cynicism is born of dealing with the public.

The masses are stupid, weak, wrong, and gullible. They don't spontaneously do anything but fart.

Hmmm. Did I say that?

I went fishing this weekend, you'll have to excuse me.

Would that not depend upon the environment that they are left in?

What I mean is that people who are considered educated in a western technological environment could find themselves incredibly stupid if dumped in a rainforest without any modern tools.

I am trying to say that what we considered educated might be inaplicable in a diferent environment.

Think "Guns, germs and steel".

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