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  Topic: Conservapedia funny, It's quite funny actually< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Reciprocating Bill

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Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 14 2008,06:47   

Quote (stevestory @ Aug. 14 2008,02:53)
I really want to know how big Conservapedia is. I didn't expect it to be big enough to have a page on Thomas Kinkade, but here it is. You can tell it wasn't written by me because the phrase "hideous crap" doesn't even appear once.

Strange. Conservapedia omitted the following, found on Wikipedia:
The Los Angeles Times report that some of Kinkade's former colleagues, employees, and even collectors of his work say that he has a long history of cursing and heckling other artists and performers. The Times further reports that he openly groped a woman's breasts at a South Bend, Indiana sales event, and mentioned his proclivity for ritual territory marking through urination.[18] Kinkade denied some of the Times's allegations, but accepted and apologized for others.[19]

In 2006 John Dandois, Media Arts Group executive, recounted a story that on one occasion ("about six years ago") Kinkade became drunk at a Siegfried and Roy magic show in Las Vegas and began shouting "Codpiece! Codpiece!" at the performers. Eventually he was calmed by his mother.[18] Dandois also said of Kinkade, "Thom would be fine, he would be drinking, and then all of a sudden, you couldn't tell where the boundary was, and then he became very incoherent, and he would start cussing and doing a lot of weird stuff."[18]

That's interesting because I was looking at his sentimental dreck and started shouting "Codpiece! Codpiece!" myself.

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