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  Topic: The Discovery Institute Thread, Everyone's Favorite Propaganda Mill< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: June 27 2011,10:19   

I guess Discovery doesn't pay its program directors well. Stephen Meyer is doing apologetics on the side.

Is the Bible Reliable?
The Bible is so reliable in its reporting of all these classes of evidence... Hey, maybe we should rely on the Bible as a source of information about this period of time.

From the publisher's product description:
This second set in the life-changing DVD series asks, "Is the Bible reliable?" Again, proven facts and insights from philosophy, cosmology and biology will help you engage intellectually with professors and peers, both in and outside of the classroom. For centuries, intellectuals and critics alike have questioned inconsistencies. Dr. Meyer examines ancient texts and archeological evidence to build a compelling case for the accuracy of Scripture - and why the Bible is more trustworthy than ever.

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