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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 13407
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 31 2006,02:29   

Quote (afdave @ Dec. 30 2006,23:51)
Steve Story will be ashamed of you.  He likes the science establishment to look good.

And looking back at the 10,000 posts of AFDave threads, the science establishment looks fine.

For several thousand posts, AFDave threw out crazy claims and scientifically-literate people disposed of them in a mostly respectable way. For thousands of posts, AFDave cut and pasted arguments, or just made up his own impossible ones. The AFDave modus operandi never changed. Just imagine whatever he wants, believe his daydreams to be powerful science, don't bother to support it, misunderstand everything he cut and pastes and everything people tell him in response, and don't bother to stop and learn even the basics. There's only so long reasonable people can be respectful towards that kind of behavior.

Before I moved to Chapel Hill and added a new job and several extracurricular activities, I had lots of time to police the insults and interfere with people describing the situation in accurate but rude ways. People here know what they're doing, they know that AFDave refuses to learn, they are just arguing with him for the benefit of the lurkers. Well, I submit the lurkers can extract all they need to know from the existing corpus of the thread. It's no longer about them, and the thread is pointless. It's now just AFDave continuing his clueless behavior, and people calling him clueless in response. So my only decision, it being pointless to continue policing the thread, is do I let it continue or call it a day? Well, AFDave still wants to blabber, and several people want to insult him for it, so why should I get in the way? I spend my time checking out the other threads, ones which have some value, and mostly ignore this one. It'll go on til people get tired of it. That doesn't mean I'm totally hands off, it means that I'm mostly ignoring it excepting the occasions when people email me and say, "somebody's committing libel on the AFDave thread, and you might want to put a stop to it" and similar things. If, 10,000 posts along in the thread, it's nothing more than Dave saying stupid things and people commenting on how stupid those things are, so be it.

It's really not contributing anything to the board, however, so it would be nice if AFDave would shift this mess to his own blog.

  4989 replies since Sep. 22 2006,12:37 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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