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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 29 2006,12:07   

Quote (dgszweda @ Dec. 29 2006,02:39)

You cannot have it both ways.  You asked specifically what parts of the Theory of Evolution could not be tested.  I showed one hypothesis that could not be tested.  That is what the great majority of the ToE covers.  Hypothesis.  They cannot determine whether the creature existed for a certain time period, but they will draw a hypothesis and from the hypothesis draw other hypothesis.  So I believe I answered your question clearly and concisely indicating the a certain point that is used in ToE to date a certain species and how it is not testable.  If you can show me how we can test it, great I would like to hear it.  Otherwise it is purely a hypothesis.

Can you, non-AF Dave, think of anything about your "appearing old" hypothesis about the age of the universe that cannot be tested? I can think of a few.

But here's a more important question: how can your hypothesis about the age of the universe be falsified?

Now, see if you can tell me how the theory of evolution can be falsified. I've given examples on this thread numerous times, if you can't come up with a way to falsify it on your own.

There are undoubtedly conjectures, hypotheses, etc. all throughout the sciences that cannot, at the moment, be tested. However, notwithstanding that certain details of evolutionary theory (and whether a particular species of dinosaur had a diaphragm or not must be considered a minor detail in the grand scheme of things) cannot be tested presently, there is little doubt in the scientific community that the Theory of Evolution is as well-established and as well-supported as any other scientific theory (and if you think the ToE is counterintuitive, try quantum physics, which you say you have some familiarity with).

It seems plain that the main reason that the ToE is criticized by creationists in particular (even for things the theory has nothing to do with) is because that theory, above all others, presents the single greatest challenge to the biblical worldview. Not because it's any less solidly-supported by evidence.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

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