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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 23 2006,10:46   

Defies all known science about the origin of functional, complex systems ... IOW, our only experience outside of biology is with man-made technology and NONE of this comes about by chance and selection.
Except, of course, when it DOES. Like Avida, or SELEX
Now here's the thing I've never got a clear answer from a creationist on: Once you admit that evolution - the whole descent with modification, mutation/selection thing - makes sense, has been observed, and you label it "micro-evolution" and that the more generations you follow, the more of this "micro-evolution" you see; what's the more arbitrary and unjustified assumption:
(1) Somewhere, for unknown reasons, when you extend the time beyond an individual human's attention span, you run into a limit beyond which this evolutionary process can't take you, or
(2) The process is open-ended, with no logical barriers to where it can wend, as long as each of the steps is, well, stepwise?
So when I see statements like this:
MICRO-evo is proven.  But the extrapolation of micro-evo to macro-evo has been thoroughly refuted.  This is what MacNeill means when he says "the Modern Synthesis is dead".
...misinformed, anti-intellectual, just plain wrong, and not in a humble way, wrong statements like that, I'm inclined to wonder
(1) why was there no reference given to such a startling "fact", and
(2) why, if this alleged refutation is so thorough and final, and has been referred to by creationists for decades, why does this tectonic shift in understanding not merit so much as a mention in any professional academic journal?
This is what MacNeill means when he says "the Modern Synthesis is dead".
You mean, "This is what MacNeill would mean if he knew what he really means", because you know as well as I do that MacNeill would not agree with you. Not very humble, dave. I think I'll decide what MacNeill means by reading MacNeill, rather than afdave, thank you very much. And I've seen nothing that MacNeill (or Ayala, or Kimura, or Crow...) has written that says macro-evolution can't occur.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

  4989 replies since Sep. 22 2006,12:37 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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