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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1948
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 19 2006,21:56   

AFD the perfect model of morality bites.

And your attempt to attack my character because you have nothing to say to defend your scientific position is noted.  My church stole no money and I (and about 5 other fellow pilots) didn't get our promised fighters because the policy changed.  Go research it.  It's public record.  You've been told by the moderator of this forum to stop the personal attacks.  Again, I say, if you truly want to accuse me of criminal activity, give me your personal information and we'll do it in court.  You won't of course because you are a coward and you know you are lying.

AFD in the immortal words of Jerry Falwell


"God sent me there to bring an abrupt end to the immorality and financial fraud of this 'religious soap opera' that had become an international embarrassment to the Christian gospel."

Who is calling me a liar and a coward?


There is not a single ounce of truth in any of your statements.
Astute readers will note even AFD's quote fails a truth test.

Go ahead say something true, from you, it would be a nonsense.

And a coward?

AFD everyone who has revealed their real name and position here, you have tried to drag in  their professional reputation and discredit it. If someone were a rocket scientist YOU, A COMPLETE AND UTTER NOBODY says THEY are not qualified to comment!

AFD you are the person here laying your character on the line in support of the insupportable.

I am questioning your character, which whether you like it or not I understand better than you do yourself.

AFD in my long experience I have had the unpleasant honor of meeting some of the most cunning and ruthless scam artists and white collar crooks, who on first blush wouldn't let butter melt in their mouth. They make the ENRON crowd look like saints.

Those sorts of people whose characters you clearly emulate, in my opinion, by your repeated performance of lies, evasions, dodging, covering up  and outright falsehoods make it no more honorable by claiming to be associated with a religion.

You have so far been able to lie on matters which are ACCEPTABLE in normal society since religion is  a matter of personal opinion i.e. RELIGION HAS  ABSOLUTELY NO ACCEPTABLE TEST FOR TRUTH.

However, when it comes to the more prosaic matters of the temporal, the earthly dirty business of money and power, I suspect you are far more vulnerable to tests for truth.

As with all scam artists you want to create the impression that your falsehoods have more credibility than just hearsay, to do that you use the tried and true method of brand enhancement by association.

By using what seem like scientific and therefore true conclusions in the minds of your target audience that 'sciencewash' your lies to create the impression that you are being honest

Which leads me to make the only possible conclusion on your other activities.

You are in a position of power in an organization not answerable to its past and present benefactors that has created a financial tax free cashcow for those who control the investment. Technically you and your cohorts could blow away all the funds left in your so called church and get off scott free because no one is going to question people doing g$d's work. Whoever controls the accounts and has the power and the force of will to hold onto that power has [i]carte blanc [i] not even the government can equal. That position AFD, requires a level of honesty you have so far been unable to demonstrate.

You and your cohorts are immune from accountability and you #### well know it.

If I was in your position and the slightest scandal broke out in an organization where my reputation could be questioned I would resign.

There are well known precedents in recent history, as you well know.
Jim Baker was just unlucky,if he was smarter and made sure his papers were right he could have lived like a king for the rest of his life all he would have to do is write 'have sex with his secretary and buy whatever he wants' into the churches articles of association.

On your air force career you claimed to be beyond reproach with all the twisting and turning and red herring tossing of a pro.

AFD you were dumped, get over it, twit.

You are a lying, cowardly NOBODY.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane

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