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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 48
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Dec. 02 2006,14:14   

[quote=Russell,Dec. 02 2006,11:57][/quote]
Who here thinks that dave really believes that his Sunday-school vision of reality is absolutely correct, and that all of science is wrong?

*Raises hand*

If I remember correctly, a number of lurkers uncloaked specifically to tell Dave that he was nuts and they didn't believe him. In fact, the number of uncloaked lurkers in total rivals anything else I've ever seen on a forum. And not ONE agreed with Dave.
Among those, who thinks that he actually believes he's made a case for his view

*Raises hand*
and who thinks that, basically, he knows he hasn't, but it doesn't really matter; that however ineffectively he may have made his case, God is on his side and  he can't be wrong, by definition?

He not only thinks he's been effective, he thinks that he'll use his "winning arguments" on other sites and show the puppet masters at AiG how "great" he is at proving evilutionists don't know how to interpret science.

Who, on the other hand, thinks that davy actually harbors doubts - that he at least suspects that his arguments here have only highlighted the absurdity of his world-view?

Not I. I believe as strongly that Dave has no doubts as much as he believes he's "won" every argument.

Who, on the third hand*, suspects that davy is laughing himself silly every time we actually fall for his trolling act, and that he's not really a creationist at all?

*Don't laugh. I just evolved one. It was a beneficial mutation!

As with GOP, a troll exhibits much higher intelligence. Even when GOP was spewing the most outrageous comments, you could at least tell he put some thought into what he was claiming. You can't say the same for Dave. And his reliance on outdated scientific journal articles, EB, AiG, and Wikipedia clearly demonstrate his low reading comprehension and low level of intelligence.

As far as being an electrical engineer goes, I met one last year who worked for NASA. He found out I taught biology, and said, "Why don't you guys teach about how God created the universe? Seems like a logical process to me!" - cementing my ideas about how little critical thinking it takes to deal with electricity and math all day.

"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." Albert Einstein

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