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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1082
Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 14 2006,10:21   

afdave appears to be experiencing an all-out meltdown today. Not that any help is needed from me, but I can't help noting the following (hypocrisies? self-delusions? Orwellian gymnastics?).

(1) afdave crows about "more and more top-notch scientists jumping ship...", but failed to ever respond to my challenge to offer a single contribution to science by a  "creationist scientist" in the past 100 years. (Note: once-productive scientists who have, at some point after their last scientific contribution, lost their wits and become YECs, Scientologists, Raelians, etc ... don't count).

(2) still waiting for any clue as to how all this hand-wavy scatter-shot about total carbon reservoirs has anything to do with the 14C/12C ratios in atmospheric CO2 that is the basis of carbon-dating

(3) afdave asserts:  
But your big error is that you do not acknowledge that C12 and C14 have had HORRENDOUS variation throughout earth history.
Again, forgive me if I've missed something; this thread is awfully long... but could someone point me to any evidence at all behind this assertion? And remember - we're talking about atmospheric CO2 - the source of carbon that gets fixed by photosynthesis and incorporated into living things.

(4) now and then, afdave hilariously contends that he thinks "evolutionist" scientists are just honestly mistaken, and are not actually evil. (At one point I believe he actually retracted his outrageous remark about "criminal lying to kids"). But today, in the midst of a thorough drubbing, it's back to this kind of discourse:  
You are not just a liar.  You are multi-faceted, liar.  You lie about science.  You lie about what I say.  Then you lie about your lies.
Regardless of which word you use, you are still lying to public school kids with my tax dollars.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

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