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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2460
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 06 2006,16:57   

Quote (afdave @ Nov. 06 2006,22:42)
As soon as I get done with Mike PSS and HLA-B alleles, pick a single issue related to my CGH, preferably on Points C & D ... biological information would be OK, maybe supposed beneficial mutations ... whatever ... and take me on IN DETAIL as Mike is doing.

Dave, if you want people to take you on in an actual debate, why don't you try this: why don't you MAKE A POSITIVE ASSERTION ABOUT YOUR "HYPOTHESIS," rather than taking snipes at evolutionary theory, or geological theory, or radiometric dating techniques, or any of the other stuff you've been talking about that has nothing to do with your "hypothesis."

Then, try to find some evidence to support that assertion. Stay away from saying "evolutionists don't have an explanation for this," or "evolutionists don't have an explanation for that," or "this particular belief of evolutionists is ludicrous."

I suggest the following as an assertion: "Creationism has a mechanism by which the 10 alleles for the HLA-B gene, which is the maximum possible that could have existed after the flood, could have increased to the 500 alleles present today, in less than 450 years. Here is an explanation of that mechanism, and here is evidence to support my contention that this mechanism actually operates in the real world."

We're not here to defend evolutionary theory, Dave. You're here to defend your own "hypothesis." I (and, I'm sure, most other posters here) are weary of your constant attempts to shift the burden of proof. You have the burden of proof, and always have. It's about time you shouldered it.

The biggest criticism of creationism, ID, "scientific creationism," etc. is that there is no coherent alternative theory that attempts to explain the evolution of life on earth, but only desultory and ineffective attempts to criticize evolutionary theory. This is why scientists say there is no competing theory to challenge the theory of evolution.

And here's your chance to prove them wrong, Dave. Show us actual evidence that life could have evolved on earth in less than 6,000 years. You could start by showing a mechanism that could evolve 490 (or at least 450) alleles in 450 years or less.

Have at it, man.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

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