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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 27 2006,11:20   

Quote (stevestory @ Oct. 27 2006,14:54)
If he actually thinks he's winning, then why wouldn't he come back?

The funny thing about Dave's delusions is that they're in the context of what amounts to a debate. Dave cannot win in a debate unless he can convinces his opponents that he's right. This, he has comprehensively failed to do. Help me out here—is there a single topic on which Dave has managed to convince even one person that he's right?

Therefore, pretty much by definition, he hasn't won any debates. I suppose he could think that we all secretly think he's won but just won't admit it. But what are the chances that every single person here is on board in on this little conspiracy?

Just to take one minor example: the whole "information" thing. I'll be the first to admit that my understanding of information theory is sketchy at best. And I was fully prepared for someone (not Dave, obviously) to point out a major flaw in my reasoning, one that would have invalidated my claim that a stream of random digital noise contains more information than a digital representation of human speech.  I mean, I was pretty confident I was correct, but I was prepared to be wrong. But no one here disagreed with my claim, other than Dave. Why is that? Is no one here prepared to contradict anything I say merely because I'm not a creationist? I can't imagine that's true. I've been corrected here in the past, and no one's feelings got hurt.

So why do you think it is, Dave, that seemingly everyone here agreed with me, and no one agreed with you? Is it because you're the only one here who knows anything about information theory? Given the academic achievements of the posters here, how likely does that seem?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

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