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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 20 2006,12:31   

Actually, it's much, much worse for Dave than that. He doesn't have 250 years for all this diversity to arrive. He has no time at all.

Here's the "continental drift" model Dave says he subscribes to. Note that all humans other than the ones on the ark are exterminated during the "Rupture Phase (hours)" or the "Flood Phase (months)." So from the beginning of the "Rupture Phase" to the end of the "Flood Phase" there are only eight humans on the planet.

Then, immediately afterwards, there is the "Continental Drift Phase (1 day)." This happens before the UCG"H" "ice age." Yes, this means that the continents "drifted" (or, more accurately, sprinted) to their current positions less than a year after all humans on the planet other than Noah and his boating party were exterminated.

Now, the question becomes, how did those people in, e.g., the Americas, Australia, etc. get there? They must have gotten there after the continental drift phase, since Noah and his little band of boating enthusiasts didn't even get off their boat until after (or at the same time as) the continents arrived, breathless and sweaty, at their current positions.

But all of that genetic diversity in these now-widely-separated humans' HLA genes must have been there before their dispersal! It certainly didn't appear after they dispersed to their new homes, and it certainly didn't exist in Noah and his compatriots. So where did it come from? Any pre-existing diversity was wiped out in the flood, couldn't have arisen from Noah's band of hardy arkonauts, and couldn't have arisen after the fact, after everyone had dispersed to their current homes.

So how did it get there? Was it just "magicked" into place, Dave? Just so we'd think the world is older than it is? Is God lying to us again?

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

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