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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 11 2006,05:29   

Now I am completely mystified as to how Russell or Deadman or anybody else can pretend that Derek Ager believes that the fossil record supports the notion of gradual evolution when he makes multiple clear statements like this ...
I am completely mystified as to how you think I pretend anything at all about what Ager believes,since I have no idea who he is.
Oops!  Forgot to answer the second part of this about the chromosome fusions.  No.  I had forgotten to follow up with AIG, but I did yesterday and I linked to the thread where we discussed it.  Thx for the reminder.
I, and others, have reminded you about this many times. Many, many times. If you "forgot" to follow up, it was extremely low on your list of priorities.
 Why do you mischaracterize AIG as a sort of "lie peddler"??  Can you not allow Carl Wieland to make an honest mistake about an arcane topic?
I thought I made it clear: if correcting known mistakes is, shall we say, "extremely low on your list of priorities", I really don't see any practical distinction between that and other flavors of lie. And while you have "forgotten" to follow up on this particular glaring misinformation, I don't believe for a moment that the Wieland and AiG remain uninformed about it.  But please! By all means - keep us abreast of AiG's response to your feedback!  
Do you ever make mistakes?  Would you like it if someone took one of your mistakes and trumpeted to the world that you are now a "lie peddler"??
I make mistakes all the time. I try to correct them whenever they're brought to my attention. Are you aware of any I should correct?
How many kids do you think will be misled by this error?  I don't know many kids who even know what a chromosome is, much less understand chromosome fusion, much less read this AIG article.
Very revealing, dave. I'm going to save this one.  "Hey! What's the big deal? No one will be able to call us on it; I mean, who the h3ll even knows what a chromosome is? No need to get it right; just throw in lots of authoritative sounding sciency words and tell them it's all consistent with christian fundamentalism."

Fortunately, I know plenty of kids who know what a chromosome is. But your assessment of the state of the public understanding of these matters is all the more you and AiG should be ashamed of your attitude.
Come on, Russell.  Where is your sense of fair play?  I never accuse ToE advocates of "evil" or "conspiracy" or any such thing...
Hold it right there. You give hypocrisy a bad name. Here, let me remind you:
And when a crime has been committed, an investigator gets involved.  From my perspective, a crime has been committed.  What is the crime?  Large scale lying to kids in the name of Darwin.  So an even better description of someone like me might be "Investigative Science Reporter."
I see. Not "evil" or "conspiracy" - just criminal, large-scale (which would have to be coordinated, no?) lying.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

  4989 replies since Sep. 22 2006,12:37 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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