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  Topic: AFDave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis 2< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1948
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 03 2006,05:18   

Ross_UK : With that classic illustration  of circular reasoning...

Bluebottle: What time is it Eccles?....
Eccles: Err, just a minute. I've got it written down on a piece of paper. A nice man wrote the time down for me this morning.
Bluebottle: Ooooh, then why do you carry it around with you Eccles?
Eccles: Welll, um, if a anybody asks me the time, I can show it to dem.
Bluebottle: Wait a minute Eccles, my good man.
Eccles: What is it fellow?
Bluebottle: It's writted on this bit of paper, what is eight o'clock, is writted.
Eccles: I know that my good fellow. That's right, um, when I asked the fella to write it down, it was eight o'clock.
Bluebottle: Well then. Supposing when somebody asks you the time, it isn't eight o'clock?
Eccles: Well den, I don't show it to 'em.
Bluebottle: Well how do you know when it's eight o'clock?
Eccles: I've got it written down on a piece of paper.

Did you know Spike Milligan understood evolution?

"Legs are hereditary and run in most families."
Spike Milligan

Thanks Deadman_932 for the following info
K.E :The following page has the best "guesstimates" and information I've seen so far in my limited browsing on bacterial diversity and numbers of species. Basically, they say this: "the smallest drop of temperate seawater or a grain of agricultural soil will also yield myriad 16S rRNA sequences that are new to science"
THAT paper basically says we have no models to determine the actual diversity and it cites an older paper that says " the entire bacterial diversity of the sea may be unlikely to exceed 2 x 10^6, while a ton of soil could contain 4 x 10^6 different taxa. These are preliminary estimates that may change as we gain a greater understanding of the nature of prokaryotic species abundance curves."

So AFD since you accept that science says that all life on earth started as simple cellular life can your creation science explain why there is such abundant diversity of bacteria without using the Theory of Evolution ?

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane

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