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  Topic: The Finest in Geocentric Models and Analysis, by Ghost of Paley< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
creeky belly

Posts: 205
Joined: June 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 28 2006,21:09   

I'm ready to do a little bit of science now, since all these assertions mean nothing unless they have observational consequences:

In the blue corner we have the Theory of General Relativity which correctly accounts for the precessional motion of Mercury, the dynamics of nearly all celestial bodies (until someone comes up with a viable theory of Quantum Gravity ), and accounts for nearly all the observed astrophysical phenomena (the jury's still out on dark energy/matter).

In the red corner we have Quantum Mechanics, which correctly predicts atomic orbitals and double slit electron interference.

Using the weak field approximation for the lunar orbit, we first determine the distance the moon is away from the earth using parallax method, then using General Relativity, we predict where the moon will be in an arbitrary amount of time. Low and behold GR picks correctly, and we observe the moon has followed the correct elliptical orbit around the earth.

Using the 3-D Schroedinger equation of quantum mechanics , we measure the position of the moon.  This collapses the wavefunction to a spherically symmetric dirac-delta function. Since the solutions from Schroedinger's equation form a complete set, the dirac delta function will be represented by a linear combination of energy eigenstates, which will evolve in time at different rates. Now we wait an arbitrary amount of time. Let's measure the position again. Well golly, depending on the evolution of the energy eigenstates the moon could be anywhere.  Do we see this? No. But we forgot to take information space into account, which corrects the measurement and mimics GR.

The real winner, GR. You can gripe about the specifics, but it comes down to this. I know with much more certainty how the celestial bodies move and where they are at any given time. And I'm curious, what does the information tell you?

Problem is, the constant is deduced from Planck's law, which was an attempt to wed the Wien and Rayleigh-Jean blackbody radiation formulae:

It did so quite successfully and was verified with OBSERVATIONS.

By the way you can find the value of Planck's constant from  more places than just the blackbody formula. The photoelectric effect, the Balmer series of hydrogen, any of these experimentally verify the value. Guess what, they all agree.

  456 replies since May 31 2006,08:16 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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