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  Topic: Will a "Gay Gene" Refute Evolution?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1143
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: April 14 2006,03:18   

[quote=The Ghost of Paley,April 13 2006,19:11][/quote]
It's nice to see you back!

Um, It's not like I went anywhere- I just don't have enough time to post all the time. Er, thanks, I guess?
Now, it's true that close to half lead relatively restrained lifestyles, while another quarter are roughly normal. It's the other 22 - 26 % that concern me. Keep in mind that the "13" and "30" are lower bounds; for the former we can use a median figure of 21, which is quite a large haul by non-rockstar standards. Worse yet, 10 - 13% claim AT LEAST 30 partners a year. What are the upper bounds? 50? 75? 100? Suddenly it looks a little more like Vegas.

Well, if you want to focus on the percentage that has many sexual partners, that's OK with me. I have to point out however that, as you were the first to point out, we do not have the original data available; so, saying "more than 30 = the sky's the limit = Vegas" is arbitrary to say the least.
Either way, that still proves nothing. A substantial portion of the heterosexual population also changes sexual partners frequently, and there's no saying they wouldn't be as dangerous, if they display reckless behavior. And it's the same with gays.
In an insular community like the gay community, this quickly leads to saturation.

Actually the spread of a disease in an insular community will quickly lead to saturation if the disease remains uncontrolled. Regarding homosexuals, I think the data says otherwise:
In the survey you posted, roughly one out of 45 persons suffers from infectious diseases (22% of 10%, iirc). Now, compare this with another insulated community, drug addicts, who are a high-risk group as well.
The infection rate of STDs in that group is exeedingly high, to the point of saturation, in fact. Now, what would differentiate drug addicts from homosexuals (and everybody else) in that regard?
That's right, disregard of personal safety.
Now, as for the African-American community: I have to admit I don't know much about it (not being American), so I'll take your word that the rate of STDs is high in it. But then, doesn't a high infection rate in a homophobic group demonstrate even clearly that it's not homosexuality itself, but other factors that are responsible for the increase of STDs in a community?
Having said that, what does one bad researcher have to do with the authors of the New England Journal of Medicine and CDC studies? I realise that they might be hard to find, but according to rumors, there's a whole world beyond the internet.

Oh, come on now. Should I start looking in University and hospital libraries to find out whether a vague, third-hand reference to some article is accurate? Would you?
Those people are the ones who try to quote authority to back up their arguments; shouldn't they produce the articles themselves, instead of quoting a book that refers to these articles and claims they indicate the numbers mentioned? Seriously.
Why would I do a thing like that? You asked me to outline an opinion, and I proceeded to do so. Now you're holding my cooperation against me.

You are of course entitled to your opinion, and I appreciate the fact that you shared it; It's just that I also asked you (and I still do) to give me the reasons for it. So, if you still believe that a homosexual is more prone to sociopathic behavior, well, why is that so?
What? Have you even read the whole thread? Here's the relevant excepts again:(...)

Um, how are your excepts relevant again? They refer to HIV+ men, not homosexuals in general.
It goes without saying that amongst HIV+ homosexuals (and all males), lack of constraint and disregard of consequences would be more prominent than in HIV-negative ones: That's how most of them got HIV, after all. The reckless behavior of this group does not show correlation with homosexuality; it simply shows they had a good reason to become HIV positive in the first place.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."

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