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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1082
Joined: April 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 10 2006,08:50   

It is very difficult for me to believe that someone could say that smear tactics have been from the ID side... I hardly ever see it going in the opposite direction
Oh, really? So you think the accusations that the majority of scientists are engaged in a massive fraud to try to promote an atheist agenda is a pretty reasonable assessment? Are you familiar with this for instance? And you think Davison and DaveScot are pretty even-handed in their characterization of ID-critics?
In my own hometown newspaper, someone did a writeup of ID that not only was false, but he insinuated that if ID were to prevail, modern medicine would go out the window and we would rely on faith healers. This is a high level of hysteria and paranoia.
Given the effectiveness of your own blinders, I'm not about to take your word for whether the writeup of ID was false. But to point out the antiscientific nature of ID by comparison with faith healers does not strike me as a "smear". Perhaps your dismissing these concerns as hysterical and paranoid is a "smear". I won't pass judgment without reading the piece your criticizing (but not quoting), but I will tell you I honestly worry about the anti-science, anti-intellectual religious right mindset that seems to be inseparable from ID. And a lot of the "ID supporters" I've heard at the local level (as opposed to the slick operation run out of Seattle) would not be disturbed in the least to be accused of crediting faith-healers.

Go to the Discovery Institute and read what they have to say about the wedge document. They disown the wedge document and that should be good enough.
Go to the Discovery Institute and read what they have to say about the wedge document. They disown the wedge document and that should be good enough.[/quote]First of all,
they don't disown it at all. They say "So what?" But, no, taking the Disco Institute's word for anything is not good enough.

Must... not... scratch... mosquito bite.

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