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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 314
Joined: Nov. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 10 2006,07:35   

Einstein frequently attributed the simplicity of natural laws to God.  He realized the sheer complexity and paradoxical grand simplicity of the Universe...and realized that it was truly a great design.

I share his admiration for our Reality, and I have long used it to justify my belief in a Supreme Being.

This is why I am so totally offended by ID.

If ID was simply a philosophy, then I would endorse it whole-heartedly.  They could still calculate their figures about the rareness of existence, but with philosophy it is left as a conjecture.

The problem with ID is that they suppose that their philosophical assumptions are actually scientific.  Science does not make assumptions, nor does it operate in the vague world of the word "appears".

Also, if we were dealing only with the philosophical ID, then absolutely no conflict would truly exist with current Evolutionary Theory.  The fact that IDist oppose Evolutionary Theory indicates their very clear anti-science motives to me at least.

So, AIT, please realize that most people do not oppose the philosophical idea of an "intelligent Designer".  Most people oppose trying to make a philosophical idea into a scientific theory.

BTW....consider the vast number of people who support the philosophical idea of ID.  These people easily get confused by the difference between believing ID and proving ID.  They are offended when they hear that people are trying to discredit the idea of a "Designed Universe".  The problem, and you need to realize this, is that no one is trying to discredit the IDea.  People are simply trying to explain that the idea is not scientific.

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