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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Artist in trainig

Posts: 12
Joined: Feb. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 10 2006,05:46   

Darn, I misspelled my name in the sign up. Now i'm in trainig.  :angry:

Thank you avocationist. Not many people call me sweet and you are right, I am a grandPA rather than a GrandMA.

This whole subject is a little new to me. When I went to college (UCBerkeley 1960) This whole darn thing wasn't a problem. I easily reconciled my christian faith with science because I never felt like they really crossed. I used to just explain away the problem with, God started the whole thing (which seems pretty obvious to me) and we are figuring out how it works with science. I wouldn't have cared much but my granddaughter, who is majoring in biology, has become all political over the ID in schools issue and she said some things to me which got me concerned. Go ahead, I say, teach all the science you want, it's a good thing, but don't make a point of saying God did NOT start the ball rolling.

ID seems like a good thing to me because it seems to me like it is allowing for the obvious design in the universe. Now, I don't have a science background it's true. I try to avoid making assumptions about what is and isn't science but if ID is simply allowing for the appearance of design in our universe, I don't see how it could be evil. I also don't see how it is "Crackpot" stuff if they really just want us to allow that God isn't "dead" as Nietche said. I have a hard time believing outside of my religious training I know, but I also know that I have experienced God's love or the Holy Spirit or whatever you want to call it. This experience is real and repeatable. Many people share the experience. Doesn't that qualify as science? Repeatable in different laboritories? Maybe I have to put my fingers in my ears sometimes to move forward just a little but there are some things that are really just too emotionally difficult to confront all at once. At first I thought all the posters here were simply mean spirited people trying to push God out of their lives because they were afraid of the implications but I am beginning to get the feeling that most of you are sincere and probably right in a limited kind of a way. No one here has been as mean sprited as Dave Scott or John Davidson seems to be over at Uncommon Descent. Still, they are the ones defending the idea that God shouldn't be worked out of our lives completely through science and so, in the end, I still have to side with them for the most part.

I know they are saying that it's not about God but it is. It is dangerous for people to live their lives without respect for the world we live in and therefore, respect for God. Science has begun to take a stand against respecting the grand mystery that is God and I think it is difficult to respond intelligently to that challenge because it is so far out in left field if you do have religious training. One good that may come of it is it will strip religion of some of its political baggage (maybe) but the bad is that our children will have nothing to cling to when their lives get truly difficult.

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