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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 14 2007,14:53   

Quote (phonon @ Mar. 14 2007,13:22)
I watched that Global Warming Swindle last week. I thought I had seen some of those graphs before on the Discovery Channel or something like that. Pretty much the same graphs. There was also an issue with one of the scientists interviewed in the Swindle claiming to be taken out of context. Actually, from what I remember in the film, all the people interviewed seemed to speak at length enough to where any context was pretty obvious. I could be mistaken about this one guy. I was surprised at some of the names and positions of the people that were global warming skeptics. I mean, the co-founder of Greenpeace?

I wish someone would also address the 800 year lag between the rise of CO2 and the rise in temperature from ice core data...

I would also be interested in that. Trying to source actual data has been beyond my ability.

The video sounds pausible to me. However I have not got the capability to confirm one way or the other.

I have watched it twice this morning and can't fault it. But the evidence could be skewed and I would not know. The 800 year lag would be pretty much condemning (if it is true).

Something is causing warming. It could be man-made or just natural. Even if man-made it could be something different to CO2 emissions (1 example might be deforestation combined with paving many green places).

I guess I just want someone who really knows to explain it all.

Also. If CO2 is the real cause then we in the industrialised societies should be taking the lead and not penalising developing countries. The last few minutes of the film was pretty much damning.

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