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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 396
Joined: Nov. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 14 2007,14:22   

I watched that Global Warming Swindle last week. I thought I had seen some of those graphs before on the Discovery Channel or something like that. Pretty much the same graphs. There was also an issue with one of the scientists interviewed in the Swindle claiming to be taken out of context. Actually, from what I remember in the film, all the people interviewed seemed to speak at length enough to where any context was pretty obvious. I could be mistaken about this one guy. I was surprised at some of the names and positions of the people that were global warming skeptics. I mean, the co-founder of Greenpeace?

I wish someone would also address the 800 year lag between the rise of CO2 and the rise in temperature from ice core data. I don't think I've heard an adequate explanation of the mechanism behind that. Maybe Al Gore addressed it in his movie, but I haven't seen that. (not going to pay $8 to see a powerpoint presentation, I'll wait till it's on google video)

Anyway, I'm sure that, like any political propaganda, that video has some distortions and inaccuracies in it. I really wish some objective body or person would sit down with all these movies and slide shows meant for public consumption and do a point by point debunking or substantiation of each claim made. That would be nice.

The one thing I know I agree with in the Swindle movie is the point made at the end. I don't agree with Western countries telling developing countries that they can't use their fossil fuel resources. It's pretty hypocritical. If the Western countries donated huge wind farms and huge amounts of solar panels, then they might have a say.

I also like the idea of electric generation by wave power. I think oil and coal should be abandoned in rich countries simply because their production is so dirty. I've lived in Louisiana where the oil refineries caused lots of health problems in people I know and the cancer rates are really high. Oil transportation is messy as hel too. Now I live in Tennessee, and people complain about mountaintop removal mining to get at coal and it's atrocious, killing forests and filling streams with waste, not just a little trickle either. So regardless of whether CO2 emissions are causing global warming or not, we have to abandon fossil fuels. The problem is they are just too damned profitable for those who control them.


With most men, unbelief in one thing springs from blind belief in another. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

To do just the opposite is also a form of imitation. - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

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