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"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank

Posts: 2560
Joined: Feb. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 10 2007,11:29   

Quote (Alan Fox @ Mar. 10 2007,11:08)

I have made the point before that we can be more selective in who to engage. ID is defunct, and there are those, up until now ID proponents, who may be beginning to realise it. I don't think they are true opponents, just misguided. David Springer and Joe Gallien are examples of people who it is pointless debating with, as their motive is political and has nothing to do with advancing human knowledge.

Au contrraire, those are precisely the ones we NEED to confront, since the theocrat-wanna-be's are by far the most dangerous parts of the ID movement.

Coincidentally, I just wrote, a short time ago, on another forum:

Dudes, you are wasting your time with this guy -- he
doesn't know a prokaryote from a pachyderm, so all our
science talk is utterly wasted on the guy.

But it certainly is convenient to have him demonstrate
to everyone that, for all the arm-waving that the
fundies do about how wonderfully wonderful the
wonderful world is, the simple fact is that they
**know next to nothing about it**.

This guy is EXACTLY the target audience for
ID/creationists. He doesn't know diddley-doo about
science or about the natural world, and he's not
remotely interested in learning any, but he's all
gung-ho to tell all the world's scientists (and most
of the world's Christians) that they are wrong because
his particular religious opinions SAY that they are
wrong. All he does is brainlessly parrot what he's
read on some creationist crapsite or another -- and
since he doesn't understand any of the arguments
anyway, he can't even parrot them accurately. He
quite literally has no idea what he's talking about,
and his entire "argument" (such as it is) boils down
to "my religious opinions are right, and anyone who
says otherwise is wrong".

That sums up ID/creationism in a nutshell (pun

By themselves, of course, the typical ID/creationists
(and again, this guy is pretty typical of all of them)
are rather harmless, since nobody pays much attention
to their pig-ignorant rants anyway. The danger lies
in the fact that it is typical ID/creationists like
this one who actually buy the books and write the
letters and vote for the "godly", which is what gives
the theocratic political movement its strength.

I'm quite sure that our fundie friend here is just as
pig-ignorant of the political aims and goals of the
ID/creationist movement as he is of all things
scientific. All he knows is that ID/creationists are
"fighting for Jebus against the evil atheists" --and,
of course, he is wrong on both counts; perhaps he will
be bright enough to figure out that most of the people
here who are telling him he's full of shit are
*Christians*, but given the past history of the
hundreds of creationuts we've had over the years, it
seems awfully unlikely. Their willfull blindness runs
just as deep as their willfull ignorance.

The typical rank-and-filer ID/creationist is,
generally, just a pig-ignorant putz who is being led
around by the nose by people he doesn't understand.
The people at the *top*, though, the people who write
the books, produce the websites, make the lecture
tours and form the political organizations, know
EXACTLY what they are doing. They are deceptive,
evasive, dishonest and secretive, deliberately and
with malice aforethought. Our fundie friend here has
no idea at all what he is a part of or what he is
supporting. If he were to actually read the political
program the ID/creationists have been proposing, he'd
likely be shocked (and since he won't believe me if
*I* tell him, I will leave it to him to discover it
for himself, if he dares -- just go Google the terms
"Christian Reconstructionism", "Howard Ahmanson" and
"Center for the Renewal of Science and Culture".)

This guy is just a minnow. It's the bigger fish at
the top that I want.

Seems appropriate here too.

Editor, Red and Black Publishers

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