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  Topic: Official Uncommonly Dense Discussion Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1948
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 22 2007,19:20   

Quote (phonon @ Jan. 22 2007,18:14)
Quote (Richardthughes @ Jan. 22 2007,14:32)
More Tard from Atom:

The creator of a structure is what decides its inherent purpose. If a blind process created us, we have no real purpose, only the “illusion” of purpose.

*looks at stapler being used as a paperweight on my desk*
Its the authoritative tone that tickles me.

I think the term "inherent" is the problem here. Sure, the inherent purpose of a stapler is to be played by Rob Schneider in a movie called The Stapler, but it could be used for other functions.

There is this huge problem with ID and language. I think it comes from their previous battles in politics (and that's all ID boils down to, a political battle). By using the English language to swerve and argument subtly one way or the other, the debater can seemingly "win" an argument, or at least successfully preach to the choir, or even convince the gullible.

For instance, the term "Junk" DNA never meant "garbage" DNA, complete refuse. It mean junk. When I go to a auto junk yard, I can pick up spare parts and reuse them. Or there could be a junk drawer at someone's house. Well, you don't keep waste and refuse in a drawer, but you do keep junk. There was an excellent post about antifreeze proteins recently on Panda's Thumb where this sort of thing was addressed. But the IDers pounced on the term junk DNA and declared that the people who coined the term obviously meant refuse or waste DNA.

So, when a biologist publishes his/her work and includes terms like "design" or "purpose" the IDers will inevitably pick up on it and use it in their political game.

I'm not saying that biologists should choose their words simply to thwart IDers and other creationists, but I just wish that people weren't so stupid and easily convinced by dumb things based on simple language manipulation.Maybe I could wish and pray (and pray and pray) but it won't happen in my lifetime. I guess that sort of thing is just not an act of god.'s called spin.

AFD /Hovind/GWB are perfect examples, they know their reality is false but it only causes them to argue more in the vain hope that that alone; that being the last man standing will be proof in itself alone.

AFD let it slip that he was pretending his hypothetical reality was real, check out Hovind's red face caught out by Ali G and GWB's weak performance lately now that he has decided to be 'honest' with the people. GWB looks like a deer caught in headlights now that his stock in trade, his 100% pure bullsh*t has no currency.
Even he knows that every time he opens his mouth all that comes out are lies, he doesn't even convince himself.

The adopted persona by the IDists that of the open minded, polite and non-judgemental(as well as white middle class, well dressed, well connected, church going, religious and political conservative ,who never has sex before marriage and doesn't do drugs.... typical fascist profile etc etc etc) honest debater

Their whole facade crumbles when they finally let their guard slip on one or other point on the web of deceit.

You can fool some of the people...etc etc.

The only ones left are the rusted on  29% fundy backwash they will never change.

The conservative has but little to fear from the man whose reason is the servant of his passions, but let him beware of him in whom reason has become the greatest and most terrible of the passions.These are the wreckers of outworn empires and civilisations, doubters, disintegrators, deicides.Haldane

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