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  Topic: The Bathroom Wall, A PT tradition< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 10 2021,17:48   

I was reading a story where suddenly an Italian woman was talking about “mia moglie”, not “mio marito”, and I thought, that’s a weird error. Italy is surely too Catholic to have gay marriage.

Nope! They’ve had unione civile for 5 years now. Colloquially they use husband and wife terms. I came upon this table.

it’s kinda amazing how fast western civilization is leaving bigotry behind.

(Nobody tell KF. The world doesn’t need L&FP 72-84 any time soon  :p  )

Edited by stevestory on Aug. 10 2021,22:50

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