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  Topic: From "LUCA" thread, Paley's Ghost can back up his assertions< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
W. Kevin Vicklund

Posts: 68
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Mar. 07 2006,05:18   

Sorry, I know this is responding to a five week old post, but I just saw it and realized no one had made the refuttal that was immediately apparent to me

You have forgotten to consider the vibrational frequency of the quintessence sphere.  This frequency is approximately 2 Pi/24000 years, and hence makes the period about four times the true age of the universe. At the moment of creation the intelligent designer compressed it, and then let it go. Hence, at this time in history the sphere is experiencing its maximum acceleration. One big hole in the big clang theory that even members of the cult of evolutionism have noticed is that the stars seem to be receding from us at an accelerated rate.  This requires a continuous force acting upon them the big clang does not provide. However, the quintessence sphere models this acceleration perfectly. The mathematics behind this is probably simple enough that it could even be taught to
some members of the ACLU! I have now conclusively proved my model and discredited the evolutionistic alternative.

Sorry, GoP, you need to review your trigonometry and calculus.  If the sphere starts out compressed at t=0, then the equation for its radius is r(t) = R + Asin(theta - pi/2), where R is the uncompressed (steady-state) radius, A is the amplitude of the oscillation, and theta is t/T, and (theta - pi/2) indicates that the oscillation is beginning from a minimum value of r as sin(-pi/2)=-1.  If we are currently one quarter through the cycle, then t=1/4 T, or theta=pi/2, and (theta-pi/2)=0.

Now, on to the calculus.  Just to review, r(t) is the radius at a given time, r'(t) is the velocity of the radius (and therefore, the velocity of any point on the sphere), r"(t) is the acceleration, and the positive direction for r' and r" is away from the center.  For clarity, I'm dropping (t) and substituting (x) for (theta - pi/2).  Lets run through the calculus:

r = R + Asin(x)
r' = Acos(x)
r" = -Asin(x)

If we substitute for (x) with the present time value (theta - pi/2) = 0, the values above become:

r = R
r' = A
r" = 0

In other words, if we are at the quarter point of the period, we should have maximum velocity (redshift) but zero accelleration.  Similarly, at maximum accelleration, there would be no Doppler shift.  In fact, for there to be maximum accelleration, the frequency must be a harmonic of the age of the universe.  For there to be positive (and increasing) red-shift and positive (but decreasing) accelleration, the current time must be at some point between the start and the quarter-point of the cycle.  It is impossible for a sinusoid to have increasing velocity and increasing accelleration simultaneously.

I'm presuming a perfectly elastic sphere, correct?  If it's not perfectly elastic, my argument still holds, but the details are more complicated (essentially, A becomes an inverse exponential function of time and the radius decays to a steady-state value of R).

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