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  Topic: From "LUCA" thread, Paley's Ghost can back up his assertions< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Nov. 09 2006,14:45   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ Nov. 07 2006,12:13)

What's a fine tuned universe (third time asking)?

Here's my definition. Notice that there are three components:

1) The constants for life have a low tolerance, which means that a small change makes carbon-based life impossible. This part is not controversial, and should be included in any model that seeks to explain origins.

2) The universe will probably not "choose" life-friendly constants because these constants are only a small subset of all the possible choices available. Therefore, our universe has a very small chance of existing. Everybody's still debating this part, of course.

3) This increases the likelihood that Something designed our universe. Most scientists reject this conclusion.

We don't know if our universe had a very small chance of existing, and this question doesn't make any sense if we consider that the universe is all (the definition I use).

You didn't give me a definition of a fine-tuned universe, but for what you said, I conclude it's a life-friendly universe.

3) follows from the definition (2) only if we consider life as a necessity or a goal. Necessity implies consciousness (unconscious things don't want anything), i.e. God.
So, you presuppose the existence of God in order to estimate a likelihood of design (i.e. the existence fo God). This is a tautology.

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