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  Topic: UnReasonable Kansans thread, AKA "For the kids"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: April 18 2007,23:13   

Oh thanks, Ftk, I can do my own research.  Really.  You see, the question was really just to see if you'd actually looked at any data on the matter.  Or, are you just spouting talking points?  I think I know, but it's always nice to see it confirmed.

Here's the amount of research that I'm sure you're familiar with:

A Google Fight

While this is completey unscientific and meaningless, it does illustrate the point that even by your standards, ToE is kicking ID's ass.  But, Google Fights are not how real work is done.  For that, you need actual numbers from actual people.

You see, proliferation on the internet means almost nothing to the validity of the idea.  For example, there are millions of search results for "Holocaust Denial".  Did the Holocaust happen?

I'm just interested to know where you're coming from.  I don't know what numbers you're looking at.  Maybe they're different than mine.  You have an opportunity to enlighten me.  Most reasonable people (and practically everyone here) enjoy opportunities to both learn and teach.

Why are you backing away from an opportunity to teach?  If your numbers are better than mine, I'll say so.

But I get the trick question- there isn't any such thing as one molecule of water. -JoeG

And scientists rarely test theories. -Gary Gaulin

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