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  Topic: Beyond A 'Speed Limit' On Mutations,, Species Risk Extinction< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 04 2007,14:03   

This was just on slashdot  
eldavojohn notes an article up at Science Daily on research demonstrating that smaller animals with warmer blood evolve faster than larger, colder animals. From the article: "Across species from fish to mammals, they found that rates of protein evolution showed the same body size and temperature dependence as metabolic rate. Specifically, their mathematical model predicts that a 10-degree increase in temperature across species leads to about a 300 percent increase in the evolutionary rate of proteins, while a tenfold decrease in body size leads to about a 200 percent increase in evolutionary rates."  

  6 replies since Oct. 04 2007,14:01 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  


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