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Question: FtK's "Where Does ID Belong?" Poll :: Total Votes:71
Poll choices Votes Statistics
In Science Classes 1  [1.41%]
In Philosophy of Science Classes 21  [29.58%]
In Religion Classes 18  [25.35%]
As a separate study (via groups like the IDEA clubs) 3  [4.23%]
Ooutside of the school setting in churches, synagogues, etc. 1  [1.41%]
It should be wiped off the face of the earth. 14  [19.72%]
Other (Please Specify) 13  [18.31%]
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  Topic: FtK's "Where Does ID Belong?" Poll< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 4999
Joined: July 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2007,10:25   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 02 2007,10:00)
That was his point!  We cannot assume that something is correct if it is merely based on "might have", "could be", "we suspect" *speculative* information.  Those books and papers did not provide conclusive evidence that we understand the evolutionary pathways of the immune system!  Even the 2005 paper stated that what is being explored in this regard is speculative, so how on earth would those older papers have provided anything other than further research on the subject rather than conclusions based on unquestionable empirical data.

There was absolutely no need to "lie", the evidence is not there, and that is exactly what he said.

[Carlsonjok, I hope you laid down some big cash on that bet, because your a winner!]

We cannot assume that something is correct if it is merely based on "might have", "could be", "we suspect" *speculative* information.

Yet you assume your religion is correct based on much much less. You will claim there is strong evidence for your belief. Stronger then the evidence for the evolution of the immune system? I doubt it.
Those books and papers did not provide conclusive evidence that we understand the evolutionary pathways of the immune system!  

Conclusive evidence? Even law courts use a "balance of probabilities". Do you need a DVD of the immune system evolving before you will believe?

Even the 2005 paper stated that what is being explored in this regard is speculative, so how on earth would those older papers have provided anything other than further research on the subject rather than conclusions based on unquestionable empirical data.

Have you ever wondered what "on the shoulders of giants" really means? I doubt there will ever be unquestionable empirical data regarding the evolution of the immune system. Unless we invent a time machine of course.

Evolution says we have a good idea of how something happens.

FTK says "that's not good enough. Until you can give me a DVD video of it evolving, I believe that "intelligent design".

FTK, is it your contention that your religious belief is more strongly supported by available empirical evidence then is the evolution of the immune system?

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings

  178 replies since Sep. 29 2007,12:57 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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