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Question: FtK's "Where Does ID Belong?" Poll :: Total Votes:71
Poll choices Votes Statistics
In Science Classes 1  [1.41%]
In Philosophy of Science Classes 21  [29.58%]
In Religion Classes 18  [25.35%]
As a separate study (via groups like the IDEA clubs) 3  [4.23%]
Ooutside of the school setting in churches, synagogues, etc. 1  [1.41%]
It should be wiped off the face of the earth. 14  [19.72%]
Other (Please Specify) 13  [18.31%]
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  Topic: FtK's "Where Does ID Belong?" Poll< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 2780
Joined: Mar. 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 02 2007,09:32   

Quote (Ftk @ Oct. 02 2007,08:19)
LOL...I rest my case.  Blind....twisting, spinning, and moving goalposts continuously.  If someone from my side is talking about one thing, your side will look right past that issue and conflate it with another.

I'm wasting time here....I can't believe there could possibly be even one inquisitive open minded lurker out there who has not been repulsed and turned away by the way you people twist, spin and carry on.

Dave, you need to be honest with yourself and try to separate your disgust with Christianity from your concerns about science.  If you can get past the former, you'll realize that science has nothing to fear from ID.  

Nothing whatsoever.

Oh, and before I leave, perhaps you could point out to the readers the peer reviewed papers that address specifically how random processes explain the evolution of the immune speculation, no assumptions, no "might have", "we suspect", "it could be that", etc., etc., etc..  

Provide for us the exact evolutionary pathways in which the immune system evolved, and tell us why these conclusions are unquestionable and above reproach.


In what way is this a response to anything I posted?

If Behe is NOT lying, then I would presume that you would be able to provide evidence that counters my arguments. Can you help me understand why Behe is not lying either about his expertise re evolutionary theory, or about his misrepresentation of such? Can you expand on your claim that a discussion about Behe lying about science is suddenly a case of goalpost moving when I pointed out a perfectly clear example of Behe lying about science?

No?  I thought not.

Responding with evidence is is not your strategy; you leave as you came in, with nothing on your agenda besides strawmen ("Oh, and before I leave, perhaps you could point out to the readers the peer reviewed papers that address specifically how random processes explain the evolution of the immune system") and irrelevant personal attacks on those who you feel are "disgusted with Christianity".

As noted before, my disgust is limited to those who lie about science. The fact that Behe is a Christian is as irrelevant as the fact that he is a white male, or a biochemist, or the fact that he is balding. I get along fine with lots of Christians, lots of white males, lots of biochemists, and lots of folks who are balding. Sometimes they are even all four at once.

Apparently I don't play well with those who lie about science. But I am certainly not about to apologize for it.

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers

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