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  Topic: The Joe G Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1260
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 11 2007,13:37   

Quote (Rob @ Sep. 11 2007,13:11)
Quote (Hermagoras @ Sep. 11 2007,12:00)
Joe G's obsession with me continues on his blog.  I've decided to ignore him.  Given his behavior (documented on my blog), I wonder if I might ask people here likewise to ignore his blog entirely?  If he engages me on my blog ( that's one thing, but I'd like to starve him of attention with respect to his little crusade.

As far as shunning Joe's blog, you would think that would be easy to do, given the ugliness of his behavior.  I avoided his site for a long time, but then I made the mistake of reading his comments on your blog, and I got ticked off enough to break my silence with him.  I agree that he's utterly undeserving of anyone's attention, and there's no good reason to take his bait.

I think most of us have a hard time letting falsehoods and fallacies that are accompanied by arrogance and verbal abuse go unchallenged.  I know I do.  I think the thing to remember is that Joe's irrationality and hostility are so far beyond the pale that nobody lends him any credibility, except for those few benighted souls who are on his same level, heaven forbid.  Keeping in mind that correcting him is both unnecessary and futile, maybe I can do a better job of maintaining my silence in the future.

I share the temptation.  Hell, I have drawn attention to his blog even here.  But maybe that's why his blog exists: just to pick fights.  Looking at the comments over there, it's clear that nobody gives a shit about his blog except those who want to correct his stupidity and viciousness.  Seeing as he lives in a universe of his own invention, however, correction so far has failed to take.  

I have liked your comments over there.  A lot.  Maybe the thing to do is just ignore the posts about me.  I'm not really concerned about the other threads.  Meanwhile, I'll not post over there at all.

Whatever you decide is fine by me.  

(I've put a link to the basics of his behavior at the top of the pro-science blog, so it doesn't got away.)

"I am not currently proving that objective morality is true. I did that a long time ago and you missed it." -- StephenB

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