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  Topic: The Joe G Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 154
Joined: July 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Sep. 10 2007,12:27   

Quote (slpage @ Sep. 09 2007,14:49)
A coward at heart.

Here's another tale of Brave Sir Joe:

I proposed to Joe that we ask Dembski about one of our disagreements.  I also proposed some stakes:  Whoever turned out to be wrong, according to Dembski, would never post about ID on the internet again.

In Joe's response, he ignored the proposed bet, so I repeated it.

Joe responded with a quote from Meyer that supposedly supported Joe's position, and asked, "Do you still want to bet?"

I answered, "Absolutely. I'm just waiting for you to say yes."

Joe's responded with, "BTW I would love to bet you but I can only wager with honest people."

And he followed that up with, "Also getting you not to post has no value to me. IOW once Dembski confirms I am correct I won't really "win" anything (if we did bet)."

My response: "Okay, then what do you want the stakes to be? As this is a bet that you're sure to win, I'm sure you'll want to bet something really big."

I also proposed a separate wager on another issue that we were in the middle of debating, once again with Dembski as the judge.

Joe's response: "Ya see secondclass- no matter what the wager you will never pay up."

My long response:

"In which case, you would report my welching to the ID and anti-ID communities, which would be pretty embarrassing for me.

"My point in proposing the bets is for us to show that we stand behind our claims enough to put something at risk. Otherwise, we're all talk, and this discussion isn't worth our while. Talk is cheap.

"Besides, since you're obviously going to win both bets, you have nothing to lose, right? So I don't understand your reluctance to accept the bets."

Joe responds with more weaseling, concluding with, "I explained my reluctance. That you can't even understand my simple explanation is very telling."

My parting comment: "Well, Joe, the proposed wagers stand. If you ever decide to take me up on them, you can let me know in a comment at any of the high profile sites, ie Uncommon Descent, Pandas Thumb, etc. Until then, best wishes to you and your blog."

To which Joe responded, bizarrely, that I never even made any claims on which to bet: "And everything I said still stands.  Until you make a claim there cannot be any wager."

So there you have it.  Joe can't muster the measly courage to accept bets that would be adjudicated by Dembski himself, and for which Joe would get to choose the stakes.

-- Rob, the fartist formerly known as 2ndclass

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