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  Topic: The Joe G Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1260
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 28 2007,07:30   

Quote (Zachriel @ Aug. 28 2007,06:49)
Quote (khan @ Aug. 27 2007,22:19)
Quote (Hermagoras @ Aug. 27 2007,14:16)
Quote (blipey @ Aug. 27 2007,13:54)
Quote (Hermagoras @ Aug. 27 2007,12:53)
I've caught UD regular Joe G at my UD-inspired blogtrap. ?He's a persistent little guy. ?Does anybody want to come over ?and help me whack him around for a bit?

Joe should work in a sideshow tent. ?Truly a wonder of the modern world.

You bet. ?What a maroon. ?And thanks for the help blipey (and Smokey). ?

Joe G has provided me with a new line for my sig:

"I will show you what you want when you show up at my door." ?


Sounds like a country song.

Iambic quadrameter (first syllable dropped).

It's "tetrameter" (there's no such meter as quadrameter) but who's counting? :D  

Versions of a chorus for the Joe G country ID anthem (refrain modified for meter).

You say I got no evidence
and that my argument is poor
I'll show you what you want
soon as you show up at my door

You say I got my finest thoughts
at the creationism store?
I'll show you what you want
soon as you show up at my door.

You want to know what scientists
I have used to wipe the floor?
I'll show you what you want
soon as you show up at my door.

You don't believe me when I say
I've used the EF once and more?
I'll show you what you want
soon as you show up at my door.

"I am not currently proving that objective morality is true. I did that a long time ago and you missed it." -- StephenB

  409 replies since June 27 2007,11:33 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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