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  Topic: Frontloading--Dumbest Idea Evar?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 525
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(Permalink) Posted: Aug. 16 2007,14:57   

"Rev Dr" Lenny Flank


God made snail shells. ?Then he died.

(snicker) ?(giggle)

Let us consider another possibility - it was Natural selection which created snails and slugs. Now we may try to use darwinian dialectic to explain why slugs do not have their shells anymore and snails still posseses them. We are going to use darwinian dialectic from darwinian explanation of hoverfly mimicry:

Species with relatively slow unaccomplished flight may be placed under strong selection for high-quality mimicry bla bla bla...

? ?
Because slugs do not have shells they are a little bit faster than snails (they are more aerodynamic you know). ?They make 1500 mm an hour but snails make only 1498 mm an hour. This difference give slugs a little advantage when hunting by predators . Even though scientifically undetectable, such small advantage over millions and millions of years surely have led to preservation of snail's shells and diminishing of slugs' shells.

I could not answer, but should maintain my ground.-
Charles Darwin

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