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  Topic: Frontloading--Dumbest Idea Evar?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 65
Joined: Oct. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 17 2007,22:21   

Quote (VMartin @ July 17 2007,12:48)
Dogs are good example of the fact that evolution has nothing to do with natural selection. You can breed dogs however you like (diversity in dogs are greatest in mammals) they still remain dogs. The strongest artificial selection  couldn't change the fact. That's probably the reason no one observed selection as creative force of evolution before Darwin. It also prove the fact that the process is almost fully reversible -dogs  left for themselves would return after some generation to their former state.

Dogs prove the fact that most species are unable to evolve and they only somehow react to pressure by their innate diversity. After some point they are unable to accomodate themselves and die. Consequently what  species do under pressure is they change their alleles frequency but do not instigate evolution of new species by such process.

Dawkins mentioned the domesticated species that defy to evolve as evolutionary example against Behe.

CTVT - a novel dog-derived life form.

Look it up.

  456 replies since June 10 2007,22:48 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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