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  Topic: Frontloading--Dumbest Idea Evar?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 525
Joined: Nov. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 16 2007,14:54   


Would you mind explaining the mental processes that lead you to believe that your first sentence is accurate, and that your second sentence has any logical relationship to the first?

The problem of domestication is very important. Dawkins avoided the main problem - why we have domesticated only few species? Many species we can't domesticate - they simply die. Of course Dawkins conclusion is unfounded that random mutation is behind all variety of dogs races . It's only hypothesis that all alleles aroused via random mutation.  


Dogs show more variation than other species because artificial selection was intense and taken in multiple directions.

The underlying source of genetic variation is the same (mutations), but more of it is evident in dogs because we did the selection.

Underlying source of genetic variation is not the same. It is greater in Jaguars, Leopards and Pumas than in dogs. Heterozygosity in dogs is also lower than in lynx. Consequetly artificial selection should be there as successful as in dogs.  


Therefore, Behe is a dishonest twit because he tries to pass off limited diversity caused by reversing selection pressures (Plasmodium) as a low mutation rate, and you're a twit for believing him.

You have no idea what are you babbling about but you have still enough audacity to call Behe dishonest twit.


If you disagree, answer these questions:

1) Why did Behe extrapolate from Plasmodium to humans instead of using mutation rates measured in humans?

2) Why do people who don't believe that humans and Plasmodium share a common ancestor defend Behe's extrapolations?

I am not Behe's advocate. I personally consider more valuable resource of anti-darwinian thinking Davison's works. But on the other hand I am almost sure that Plasmodium and humans don't share common ancestors.
Anyway criticising Dawkin's stories about dogs doesn't mean defending Behe's book, you know.

I could not answer, but should maintain my ground.-
Charles Darwin

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