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  Topic: Frontloading--Dumbest Idea Evar?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 517
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(Permalink) Posted: July 14 2007,15:30   

Quote (VMartin @ July 13 2007,17:41)
Dawkins picked up dogs to show that random mutation is responsible for their diversity. I would like to see if Dawkins is able to domesticate also lizards or tigers, hehe. Obviously in those species is random mutation somehow frozen.


Would you mind explaining the mental processes that lead you to believe that your first sentence is accurate, and that your second sentence has any logical relationship to the first?

Dogs show more variation than other species because artificial selection was intense and taken in multiple directions.

The underlying source of genetic variation is the same (mutations), but more of it is evident in dogs because we did the selection.

Therefore, Behe is a dishonest twit because he tries to pass off limited diversity caused by reversing selection pressures (Plasmodium) as a low mutation rate, and you're a twit for believing him. If you disagree, answer these questions:

1) Why did Behe extrapolate from Plasmodium to humans instead of using mutation rates measured in humans?

2) Why do people who don't believe that humans and Plasmodium share a common ancestor defend Behe's extrapolations?

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