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  Topic: Frontloading--Dumbest Idea Evar?< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
Chris Hyland

Posts: 705
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: June 25 2007,14:31   

So I presented here mushrooms as part of Nature where their coloration and sometimes their lethal effects are almost impossible to explain using Natural or Sexual selection. Maybe it is only free play of life to present itself, something that is hidden under veil of Natural selection before eyes of darwinists.
The modernt heory of evolution doesn't say every feature of an organism has to be the product of natural selection.
I don't underestand how one can be a darwinist and believe in some supernatural power as well.
I have no opinion on the existence or otherwise of the supernatural, so that's not a problem. Millions of people are able to believe in both, so thats good enough for me. I have plenty of Christian friends who believe that God makes the flowers grow, that doesn't mean that we can't attibute it to a natural process.

  456 replies since June 10 2007,22:48 < Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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