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  Topic: GoP's Christianity, Islam, Race, & The West Thread< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  
The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: Oct. 08 2006,11:02   


No doubt you'll say that I am ignoring the differences, but I'm not, nor do I need to. My point has been and is very simple: if you are proposing that we set some dicriminatory laws in place to curb this or that, or to seperate this or that (whatever they are doesn't actually matter) you have to show that a black person of IQ 80 is different from a white person of IQ 80. Both exist in that large overlap you are keen to ignore. The differences on the other hand are useful. We can study why those differences exist and try to reduce them in a positive fashion (bring the bottom up rather than the top down).

I only have time to ask one question: why do you find it necessary to lie about my position? I have denounced segregation and all other Jim Crow laws on several occasions, so who are you arguing with? I believe the government has no right to choose where a black person lives, who he loves, or what job he takes. Argue my real position, or admit that you're building strawmen to hide your inability to address my arguments. Because your whole argument seems to be based on lies.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

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