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All About Antievolution
Antievolution, Politics, and the Law
The socio-political aspect of antievolution

User(s) active in this forum : 4
47 171 May 07 2013,16:21
In: A link from the NCSE
By: Arctodus23
Intelligent Design
ID as part of the antievolution movement

User(s) active in this forum : 114
233 631 Dec. 12 2018,18:39
In: Elsberry & Shallit on ...
By: Wesley R. Elsberry
Young-Earth Antievolution
Packing all earth history into about 10,000 years

User(s) active in this forum : 0
20 79 Feb. 16 2013,21:38
In: Hovind Appeal Denied
By: Wesley R. Elsberry
Old-Earth Antievolution
Billions of years and "special creation", too

User(s) active in this forum : 0
1 0 April 13 2003,19:20
In: The Thomas-ReMine Debate Is Comp
By: lpetrich
General projects in addressing antievolution arguments.  Public read, restricted posting.

User(s) active in this forum : 2
12 81 July 25 2003,22:32
In: Evolution of prokaryote flagella
By: niiicholas
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