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  Topic: UnReasonable Kansans thread, AKA "For the kids"< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,02:47   

Yes, I did, you idiot.  Blind?  It's right there in the quote:

[my emphasis]

And, don't for a second say that I just now added that, BECAUSE IT WAS THERE FROM THE START.


Such love! Such a lack of insults!*

Did I make a mistake FTK? Did I miss the bit where you put [my emphasis]? If so, then I apologise. My bad entirely.

The emphasis you are making however, is STILL not the one I am making. So the comment I have made about you adding an emphasis to obtain a particular result is still valid. How about you mention that I disagree with your emphasis and link the original and this thread? Acceptable?


*EDITTED TO ADD: I don't claim to love creationists nor to have any desire to be nice to them. I don't. I DO claim not to hate creationists, because I don't. Hate, like love, requires a depth of feeling and commitment I simply wouldn't and couldn't waste on a creationist of the FTK/Sal/Dembski/Gish/Hovind/Ham etc etc mould. Sorry, but consider it nauseating arrogance or intellectual snobbery or whatever you will but they are beneath my contempt. It's taken me a while to realise that. Fools will remain in spite of my efforts to the contrary, it's best not to make oneself a fool by playing their games. The "three strikes and out" policy is in full operation. FTK is on strike one billion two hundred and seven thousand nine hundred and sixteen. She's out IMO.



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,02:52   

Quote (J. O'Donnell @ Feb. 13 2008,21:44)
Quote (oldmanintheskydidntdoit @ Feb. 13 2008,11:56)
Quote (Louis @ Feb. 13 2008,11:35)
But Jesus loves you, right? So it's all ok.

Doubt it. FTK is the least christian christian I've ever encountered.

I'm not 100% convinced. Sal is getting up there as well.

It's a tight race, and yes, Sal does appear to be pulling ahead.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,03:08   

Religion bashing by supposed professional scientists, eh FTK?

Sorry but does that mean that because I (and others) are professional scientists (no "supposed" about it. I don't expect an ignorant, uneducated, dishonest, whiny hypocrite like yourself to understand what a professional scientist is, don't worry, I have diagrams) we are not allowed to have opinions about religion? Are we not allowed to use the techniques and methods learned at great effort in science to study and dissect other aspects of the world around us? Because I'm a scientist does this somehow prevent me from being able to say things about what I like and dislike in any religion? Wow FTK, you have a very high opinion of your ability to control the speech and thoughts of others.

Oh and don't play the "well you darwinists won't let IDC into schools" bullshit because you are mainfestly missing the point:

a) There is no scientific evidence for IDC or any other creationist claim. Ergo it will not be taught as science in a science class because it isn't science. Simple. Your ignorance and lack of understanding of evolutionary biology, and science in general, is not evidence. Sorry. By all means teach IDC or whatever in a comparative religion class or a philsophy of religion class. That is where it belongs UNTIL such time as the IDCists bother to get some scientific ideas and data that actually supports their claims. So far they have demonstrably failed to do so, regardless of what you might think to the contrary. You are not a fit judge of this material, you are not sufficiently experienced, qualified, educated, informed or intelligent to make those judgements. Sorry if you don't like that but guess what FTK, there are a hell of a lot of people a hell of a lot smarter and better informed than you in the world. Deal with it.

b) What I or anyone else thinks about religion, ANY religion, is manifestly beyond your ability to comprehend. There are sections of christian doctrines (because there's a lot more than just one you know) that I am quite fond of, I can think of a couple of dozen or so off the top of my head. There are fantastic and wonderful POSITIVE contributions to individuals and societies made not only by religious people but also by religions as whole units. Sadly, as with many things, there are also the downsides. Sorry, but whether you like it or not, your religion, the religions of others, religious people of your specific faith and religious people of other faiths also do stuff that is less than positive. In some cases wantonly destructive. WE ALL DO! This is part of human nature. Religions and religious people promote themselves as having access to special virtue, to the sources of all that is good and just and moral. The evidence does not support this claim. The evidence, sadly in my opinion, shows that religious people are just as (in some cases at least as) venal and unpleasant as people of different religions and none. The evidence is also clear on the positive and negative effects of religion on societies.

Is all the evidence in? Is the question of "religion all good or all bad?" settled? No! For at least two reasons: a) the question is a total non sequitur, I'd be incredibly surprised if all religious people and all religions turned out to be "bad", and cheerfully this is not the case, b) not every aspect of every phenomenon to do with religion has been adequately studied, although quite a few have.

c) This is not a contest between mutally opposed faiths, FTK. I know you neither understand this fact nor understand why it is the case, despite a large amount of offers and efforts to help you with it.

With all that in mind, why don't you toddle off and cuddle up to Sal, so you two dishonest hypocrites can wallow in your own egotistical delusions of persecution and self importance.




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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,03:23   

The more I talk to FTK and people like her the more accurate I think this quote from H L Mencken is:

God is the immemorial refuge of the incompetent, the helpless, the miserable. They find not only sanctuary in His arms, but also a kind of superiority, soothing to their macerated egos: He will set them above their betters.




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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,06:31   

Quote (Chayanov @ Feb. 13 2008,13:14)
I'm done with the lot of you.

What? Again? How many times does this make it now? I'm guessing the Bathroom Wall will always be there for you.

I will not claim this is a comprehensive list. It was only compiled from the Unreasonable Kansans thread, not any of the several other FTK threads. Nor will I claim that all of the permalinks below are true flounce-outs, but here is what I came up with quickly.  Also, this came from the archive, which was last updated on Jan 14, so there may be more since then that I am too lazy to track down.

April 2
April 9
April 16
April 21
April 24
May 12
June 30 (A big one!)
September 26
September 30
November 7
December 1 (not a flounce-out, but where she lost her edit button)
December 20 (Merry Christmas!)
January 2 (Happy New Year!)

EDIT: For some reason, when I hit those links it takes me to the first post in the thread, not the one in permalink.  Does it with both IE and Mozilla Firefox.

EDIT2: Found another in the FTK Research thread.

EDIT by Lou : I found the problem with your links, all better.

Edited by Lou FCD on Feb. 14 2008,08:41

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,07:42   

Quote (carlsonjok @ Feb. 14 2008,07:31)
EDIT: For some reason, when I hit those links it takes me to the first post in the thread, not the one in permalink.  Does it with both IE and Mozilla Firefox.

Fixed those.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,08:22   

Allow me to point out that "if we didn't have FTK, we would be forced to invent her"...

So, what are we gonna do now?  Anybody know any other IDers or YEC's, or even a OEC that is willing to come play with us?

Since I have my force-shield on, and it will protect me form the slings and arrows of your scorn, I have to at least give FTK her props for sticking it out and making a fool of herself with every post, not realizing it, and coming back for more.

It has been a truly remarkable performance, and one that we may never see again.  

Face it.  Most people learn from their mistakes, and realize that either they are not qualified to compete because of education, or lack of it, and either run away and hide, or run away and learn, and then come back with their new-found knowledge and compete on a level playing field.

FTK never learned, and she always came back for more.  That kind of single-minded devotion to tard should be recognized.  I am not suggesting a reward, just recognition.

So who's got a Christian, or Creationist, that they don't mind sharing?

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,08:26   

It would be interesting to do a side by side with Ftk and AFDave.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,08:48   

Quote (J-Dog @ Feb. 14 2008,09:22)
It has been a truly remarkable performance, and one that we may never see again.  

Although I don't think that's the message of Carlsonjok's post, above.

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

"The truth will set you free. But not until it is finished with you."
- David Foster Wallace

"Here’s a clue. Snarky banalities are not a substitute for saying something intelligent. Write that down."
- Barry Arrington


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,09:41   

Quote (Louis @ Feb. 14 2008,01:47)
*EDITTED TO ADD: I don't claim to love creationists nor to have any desire to be nice to them. I don't. I DO claim not to hate creationists, because I don't. Hate, like love, requires a depth of feeling and commitment I simply wouldn't and couldn't waste on a creationist of the FTK/Sal/Dembski/Gish/Hovind/Ham etc etc mould.

You said it, brother.

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,11:20   

That's quite the list, Carlsonjok. So for a month there, she was storming out every week, never to return. And she wonders why everyone laughs at her.

Help! Marxist literary critics are following me!


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,11:36   

Quote (Chayanov @ Feb. 14 2008,11:20)
That's quite the list, Carlsonjok. So for a month there, she was storming out every week, never to return. And she wonders why everyone laughs at her.

In fairness, they all may not be official flounce-outs where she left 4-evah!  With so many posts, I was not stopping to examine context.  Where it seemed obvious she was intending to leave and never come back, I included it.  Where it seemed obvious she was leaving temporarily (I have a book to read/ ballgame to go to/party to prepare for), I excluded it.  There are probably several false positives in that list that appeared to be of the former, but were actually of the latter.

If someone wants to employ the EF to eliminate those false positives, have at it.  It will be the first working application of  the EF since Sal almost used it at, but ran away from, the Sciphishow.

Edit: changed "was" to "seemed" in the third sentence to make it more clear.

It's natural to be curious about our world, but the scientific method is just one theory about how to best understand it.  We live in a democracy, which means we should treat every theory equally. - Steven Colbert, I Am America (and So Can You!)


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,11:39   

Quote (Kristine @ Feb. 14 2008,15:41)
Quote (Louis @ Feb. 14 2008,01:47)
*EDITTED TO ADD: I don't claim to love creationists nor to have any desire to be nice to them. I don't. I DO claim not to hate creationists, because I don't. Hate, like love, requires a depth of feeling and commitment I simply wouldn't and couldn't waste on a creationist of the FTK/Sal/Dembski/Gish/Hovind/Ham etc etc mould.

You said it, brother.

Considering we were ID Pleausiran spouses not so long ago Kristine, the revelation that we are siblings may upset some of our more sensitive readers like FTK. But then again, given that she's a bible bashing hysterical freak of the first water perhaps not. Isn't incest compulsory in her section of the USA?*


* I know, I know, I've actually been to Kansas, well one tiny bit of Kansas, it was nice. So geographically perhaps not, but ideologically....surely idiocy of her level cannot be emitted by anyone with less than twelve toes, serious webbing and surprisingly familiar in-laws?



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,11:40   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Feb. 14 2008,14:26)
It would be interesting to do a side by side with Ftk and AFDave.

That's an "interesting" use of the word "interesting".




Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,11:45   

Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Feb. 14 2008,14:48)
Quote (J-Dog @ Feb. 14 2008,09:22)
It has been a truly remarkable performance, and one that we may never see again.  

Although I don't think that's the message of Carlsonjok's post, above.


Very witty, Oscar, very witty. I wish I'd said that.

{cue: You will, George, you will etc}

I have to say 'tis the only thing J-Dog has ever said that I disagree with. Surely if history has taught us anything it is:

a) That there is an inexhaustible supply of creationists and morons.....but I repeat myself. Like buses, one will be along in a minute. And just like buses, probably three will turn up at once.

b) FTK is like the proverbial bad penny. I think she needs to seek professional help of a psychological nature. Not that pennies need psychological help of course....oh you know what I meant!


EDITTED TO ADD: it is yet again time for the song by Motley Crue, that has typified FTK's time here, to be played.

"Girl don't go away mad, girl just go away...."



Posts: 4402
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,14:12   

Quote (Louis @ Feb. 14 2008,11:45)
Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Feb. 14 2008,14:48)
Quote (J-Dog @ Feb. 14 2008,09:22)
It has been a truly remarkable performance, and one that we may never see again.  

Although I don't think that's the message of Carlsonjok's post, above.


Very witty, Oscar, very witty. I wish I'd said that.

{cue: You will, George, you will etc}

I have to say 'tis the only thing J-Dog has ever said that I disagree with. Surely if history has taught us anything it is:

a) That there is an inexhaustible supply of creationists and morons.....but I repeat myself. Like buses, one will be along in a minute. And just like buses, probably three will turn up at once.

b) FTK is like the proverbial bad penny. I think she needs to seek professional help of a psychological nature. Not that pennies need psychological help of course....oh you know what I meant!


EDITTED TO ADD: it is yet again time for the song by Motley Crue, that has typified FTK's time here, to be played.

"Girl don't go away mad, girl just go away...."

Well, now that we've chased away our play-thing, are you going to help get us a new one? As a past winner of teh "Official Meanest Poster Award", you should use some of that suave debonair charm, and talk Maggie Thatcher out of retirement.

She's only 82, but I'll bet she's still feisty and might put up a good fight, before she runs away.

Alternatively, maybe we could email some Christian sites and tell them we are currently accepting applications for Martyr?

Hours are good, tears optional. Tard required. Must be able to quote chapter and verse.  BYOCT (Bring Your Own Crown of Thorns)

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


Posts: 3061
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,16:57   

Holy cow, J-Dog, I need some down time.
Quote (stevestory @ Feb. 11 2008,22:32)
Quote (Ftk @ Feb. 11 2008,15:08)
FtK said:

To a person like myself, Dembski, Casey, or any one else who understands what ID is actually about, that is a huge slap in the face, completely innacurate and highly dishonest.

FtK, remember when we wanted to discuss Dembski's math with you and you confessed that you didn't understand even the basics of the relevant math?

We understand what ID is about, FtK. Unlike you, we do understand the math. ID is about scamming people like you. And it works.

Steve at the BW summed it up for me. She can’t explain why ID works but she knows it does. Frankly I’m sick of such vainglory.  I learned enough statistics to work through Dembski’s theorems. Who is he trying to kid? She isn't interested in knowing why anything works.

Little Miss “It sucked, filter that” comes to my blog and tries to make something that happened to me in person all about something that that only happened to her online. She can't tell the difference, it seems. She doesn’t respond to what I’ve written about integrity and research and process here, but she tries to lay some kind of guilt trip on me for whatever you guys have said. Then she’s all, “I don’t hate you [I didn’t say I hated her], I thought you were someone I could relate to, blah.” This woman lives in her head! Forget it. She can go her own way. All biblical literalists (check out her church's values statement) can. They all sound alike to me.

*edited to add - Well, I see that DaveScot's "I officially despise you" comment got deleted over at UD, along with the entire thread, again.


Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr


Posts: 289
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 14 2008,17:31   

Every time she starts acting all put upon, that she's this sweet flower who's been turned into something hateful because of all those atheists, but she's so nice elsewhere, I remember this:
You have got to be the most hateful, foul mouthed, frothing bitch in the biosphere.

And how she had to make the effort to go to ERV's blog to state that opinion (which is an opinion, and not a fact, as she tried to insinuate). She's the one who's filled with hate, she's the hypocrite, and her protestations of innocence are contradicted by her very words and actions.

Help! Marxist literary critics are following me!


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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,04:03   

Quote (J-Dog @ Feb. 14 2008,20:12)
Quote (Louis @ Feb. 14 2008,11:45)
Quote (Reciprocating Bill @ Feb. 14 2008,14:48)
Quote (J-Dog @ Feb. 14 2008,09:22)
It has been a truly remarkable performance, and one that we may never see again.  

Although I don't think that's the message of Carlsonjok's post, above.


Very witty, Oscar, very witty. I wish I'd said that.

{cue: You will, George, you will etc}

I have to say 'tis the only thing J-Dog has ever said that I disagree with. Surely if history has taught us anything it is:

a) That there is an inexhaustible supply of creationists and morons.....but I repeat myself. Like buses, one will be along in a minute. And just like buses, probably three will turn up at once.

b) FTK is like the proverbial bad penny. I think she needs to seek professional help of a psychological nature. Not that pennies need psychological help of course....oh you know what I meant!


EDITTED TO ADD: it is yet again time for the song by Motley Crue, that has typified FTK's time here, to be played.

"Girl don't go away mad, girl just go away...."

Well, now that we've chased away our play-thing, are you going to help get us a new one? As a past winner of teh "Official Meanest Poster Award", you should use some of that suave debonair charm, and talk Maggie Thatcher out of retirement.

She's only 82, but I'll bet she's still feisty and might put up a good fight, before she runs away.

Alternatively, maybe we could email some Christian sites and tell them we are currently accepting applications for Martyr?

Hours are good, tears optional. Tard required. Must be able to quote chapter and verse.  BYOCT (Bring Your Own Crown of Thorns)

Oh but J-Dooooggggggg, do I have to? I don't wanna.

Maggie is too much for any of us. I think the nuclear option of inviting the seriously mentally exciting should be left well alone. Speaking of mentally subnormal people who need profound psychological help, I wonder how FTK is doing. Ohhhh I kill me sometimes.

But seriously, one thing I know for certain is we will never want for woo-woo proponents. FTK is not gone for good, she'll be back, she has neither the willpower nor the appreciation of her own lack of importance and wit to be able to stay away. Failing that we can always resurrect a few topics likely to bring screaming hoardes of deluded arseholes. It's not like baiting these mindless dupes into frothing at some venue or another is hard.

To be honest, I can't be bothered. I've spent a large section of my life debating with people both brilliant and boring and I know which I prefer. The experience of having to walk someone through the equivalent of a biology or chemistry GCSE* or philosophy 101 is not necessarily a bad one, or one I am not interested in, but doing it with someone who is incapable of, and unwilling and generally hostile to, learning anything has got extremely old. Sorry I know I'm a nasty old big meanie of an intellectual snob, but frankly I don't care too much anymore. If one thing that dealing with creationists has taught me it's that you must be at least this tall to go on this ride! I'm through trying to convince the intellectually stunted to climb on each other's shoulders and wear a long coat in order to stagger past the ticket guy.

Debating with someone brilliant is a totally different experience. Losing a debate because your argument is flawed or you've made an error obvious to someone more intelligent and experienced than yourself is actually quite thrilling and very educational. Although if you keep losing to experience that thrill I suggest certain S and M clubs might be more appropriate for your predilection! We (should) learn from our mistakes. Debating with someone intelligent and informed is hard work, it takes preparation and dedication, it's tough. At the very least familiarity with the topic at hand is needed, and I'm sorry but the vast majority of creationists etc we encounter are not familiar with the topics they "debate".

More than that there must be some, well I can't think of a better term than intellectual humility. Since we're on that thread, take FTK as the example again, she cannot understand Dembski's maths, she has not even the remotest clue about the basic science or philosophy and has no interest in learning despite any protestation to the contrary she might have. And yet she seeks to lecture and cast scorn on those who can and do because they have the temerity to disagree with her. She cannot even muster sufficient intellectual powers to comprehend that the reasons we disagree with her views are not the same reasons she disagrees with ours. What's the point of engaing FTK on any serious level? She manifestly cannot manage it either in terms of experience, familiarity with the topics at hand or intellectual agility. Which brings me to another idea...

I'm going to say something shocking. Before he jumped the shark at least, as trolls go, GoP was slightly interesting. He tried to get discussions going on quintessence/aether/crystalline space etc and geocentrism. Whilst these are obviously a total load of old shit, and he persisted with them and other things far beyond the point of amusement, at least he had the nuts to front up on a scientific level. Even AFDave engaged the science to some extent. The problem with both these gents was not their willingness to engage on scientific topics but their utter lack of intellectual honesty and willingness to learn. FTK manages the trifecta of tard, she's dishonest, ignorant and unwilling to learn. Actually it's more than a trifecta since she's also just plain stupid, but I digress.

So we return to the Dawkinsian Pentumvirate of undesirable traits: stupidity, ignorance, apathy, gullibility and dishonesty. Stupidity is to some extent correctable as is apathy and gullibility. Ignorance is the easiest to correct with someone willing to learn. Dishonesty though renders the whole enterprise impossible. Granted we should have some sympathy, granted people are dishonest in many varied and wonderful ways and they each take different methods to counter them. The point is though if people are incapable of admitting when they are demonstrated to be in error and are unwilling to learn or make the intellectual effort required to do the basics, it rapidly ceases to be a productive use of anyone's time to try to beat it into them! Three strikes baby, three strikes.

So if we DO get a new play mate, let's hope it's someone fun and capable. Maybe when people go to UD to imitate tard for comedy sock puppet related fun they should instead be trying to imitate tard HERE in as effective a manner as possible, however that requires a LOT more work and is genuinely a tricky thing to acheive.


*The GCSE is a set of exams taken at 16 in the UK, it's roughly equivalent to a high school diploma in the USA, but with some variations. I think, for example, USA high school maths is vastly more profound than GCSE maths, so the analogy doesn't map perfectly. Admittedly I'm basing this to a large extent on the fact that in the mid 90s I was TAing chemistry 101 in a USA university and was surprised by how poor their chemistry was and how amazingly good their maths was for freshman/ist year uni students. So YMMV.



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,04:08   

Oh yeah, and whilst I remember:

Hey FTK,

You know how you creationists are always, like, whining about us scientists getting all angry with you because you're, like, really so close to the truth and we're just in, like, denial or something? How come you're, like, really angry? Is it because we're like so scoring such, like, accurate points and all that?

I reckon it is.


P.S. I wonder if the doofus will get the point of this post. My bet is on "no". I'll also bet that if FruiTcaKe reproduces this or any post somewhere else she'll snip things from context, put her own (erroneous) emphasis on it, and whine about how mean we are for calling her on it.



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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,08:31   

Louis et al - Re:  Post of 2/15/08 4:03 ( What time is that in England anyway?  6 hour difference = 10:00 am ?)

Anyway, back on target, What About DaveScot?

Pluses:  He is smart, yet committed to tard.  Dembski's bum boy.

Minuses:  Bit of a bully, not as smart as he thinks he is, probably too afraid to mix it up with people he can't ban.

Potential:  Huge fun, as Rich out-tards DaveTard.
Their dueling "Homo" vs "You're a Homo" comments could be legendary.

What do you think?

What do you  ALL think?*

*  This is ONLY AFTER Kristine takes a break, does her nails and says it's ok.

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


Posts: 6436
Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,08:56   

Quote (J-Dog @ Feb. 15 2008,14:31)
Louis et al - Re:  Post of 2/15/08 4:03 ( What time is that in England anyway?  6 hour difference = 10:00 am ?)

Anyway, back on target, What About DaveScot?

Pluses:  He is smart, yet committed to tard.  Dembski's bum boy.

Minuses:  Bit of a bully, not as smart as he thinks he is, probably too afraid to mix it up with people he can't ban.

Potential:  Huge fun, as Rich out-tards DaveTard.
Their dueling "Homo" vs "You're a Homo" comments could be legendary.

What do you think?

What do you  ALL think?*

*  This is ONLY AFTER Kristine takes a break, does her nails and says it's ok.

It depends on what we're looking for:

A) Serious discussion, some comedy potential most likely due to banter.


B) Abject tard, threats, foolish blowhardary, insane rants about liberals/materialists/whatever, confused and insulting derangement, generalised abuse from a behind-the-keyboard toughie (read: cowardly little maggot), Olympic standard arrogant wankery, delusional drivel so self-convinced that conversation is barely possible, massive comedy potential due to huge levels of inter ATBCer banter and opportunities for tard mocking.

If A) do not invite DaveTard. If B) then DaveTard is your man.


P.S. I'm kind of with A), but would like to see the train wreck that B) would involve. If only for "ogling lions chomping christians in the Collosseum" type thrills. I'm a bad person, I've never denied this. Besides, isn't DaveTard one of the few peope who've actually managed to get banned here of all places? Or is it just that he would never deign to set foot inn here without bannerisatory privileges?



Posts: 2780
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,09:00   

For FtK, 'cuz we know she still reads this thread.

KU (not the institution where I am employed, but the institution in Lawrence KS about 80 miles downriver from here) has rescheduled a lecture by Craig Venter which was canceled by an ice-storm or something last fall. Here are the details.  
The rescheduled 10th Higuchi Memorial Lecture Series will be held on Thursday, May 1, 2008 and will be presented by Dr. J. Craig Venter, Founder, Chairman and President, J. Craig Venter Institute. His scientific presentation will be held at 9:30 AM in 130 Budig Hall and is entitled, "Genomics: From Humans to the Environment"; the public presentation will be held at 5:30 PM in Woodruff Auditorium (Kansas Union) and is entitled, "A Genomic View of Life".

Flesh of the sky, child of the sky, the mind
Has been obligated from the beginning
To create an ordered universe
As the only possible proof of its own inheritance.
                        - Pattiann Rogers

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,09:09   

Louis said through his mustache:
I'm a bad person, I've never denied this.

that's all FtK has been trying to get you to admit you know.  

now let her lead you to jeesus.  hint:  you get to kneel at the altar.  naughty.

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


Posts: 4402
Joined: Dec. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,09:29   

Quote (Louis @ Feb. 15 2008,08:56)
Quote (J-Dog @ Feb. 15 2008,14:31)
Louis et al - Re:  Post of 2/15/08 4:03 ( What time is that in England anyway?  6 hour difference = 10:00 am ?)

Anyway, back on target, What About DaveScot?

Pluses:  He is smart, yet committed to tard.  Dembski's bum boy.

Minuses:  Bit of a bully, not as smart as he thinks he is, probably too afraid to mix it up with people he can't ban.

Potential:  Huge fun, as Rich out-tards DaveTard.
Their dueling "Homo" vs "You're a Homo" comments could be legendary.

What do you think?

What do you  ALL think?*

*  This is ONLY AFTER Kristine takes a break, does her nails and says it's ok.

It depends on what we're looking for:

A) Serious discussion, some comedy potential most likely due to banter.


B) Abject tard, threats, foolish blowhardary, insane rants about liberals/materialists/whatever, confused and insulting derangement, generalised abuse from a behind-the-keyboard toughie (read: cowardly little maggot), Olympic standard arrogant wankery, delusional drivel so self-convinced that conversation is barely possible, massive comedy potential due to huge levels of inter ATBCer banter and opportunities for tard mocking.

If A) do not invite DaveTard. If B) then DaveTard is your man.


P.S. I'm kind of with A), but would like to see the train wreck that B) would involve. If only for "ogling lions chomping christians in the Collosseum" type thrills. I'm a bad person, I've never denied this. Besides, isn't DaveTard one of the few peope who've actually managed to get banned here of all places? Or is it just that he would never deign to set foot inn here without bannerisatory privileges?

I think we're looking for "A", but would settle for "B".

The trouble is that most "A's" are like us, and an ID supporter, or YEC or OEC is going to be a "B".

However, the last time I checked, this is NOT my blog!  And really, DaveScot would not have the nads to post here without his bannation button anyway, so I suppose it's a moot point.

So, that leaves ads for martyrs at Christian Magazines, or at FTK's church.  I would suggest taking out an ad in an ID Science publication... but there aren't any!

SNAP!  Hey, Huckabee is not gonna be doing anything prety soon....

Come on Tough Guy, do the little dance of ID impotence you do so well. - Louis to Joe G 2/10

Gullibility is not a virtue - Quidam on Dembski's belief in the Bible Code Faith Healers & ID 7/08

UD is an Unnatural Douchemagnet. - richardthughes 7/11


Posts: 3061
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,10:22   

Quote (J-Dog @ Feb. 15 2008,07:31)
Louis et al - Re:  Post of 2/15/08 4:03 ( What time is that in England anyway?  6 hour difference = 10:00 am ?)

Anyway, back on target, What About DaveScot?

Pluses:  He is smart, yet committed to tard.  Dembski's bum boy.

Minuses:  Bit of a bully, not as smart as he thinks he is, probably too afraid to mix it up with people he can't ban.

Potential:  Huge fun, as Rich out-tards DaveTard.
Their dueling "Homo" vs "You're a Homo" comments could be legendary.

What do you think?

What do you  ALL think?*

*  This is ONLY AFTER Kristine takes a break, does her nails and says it's ok.

Yeah, about that. You know I use them for scaling walls.

Now that I look back it’s too bad we didn’t also invite any biblical scholars to this thread – you know, someone of the calibre of Walter Brueggemann, an expert on the Old Testament, and best known for “Genesis: A Living Conversation” with Bill Moyers on PBS, to hammer it into Ftk that these silly little nobodies like Walter Brown make a mockery of biblical scholarship! She has no right to accuse me, in particular, since I have a literature background (and have studied the Bible as a work of literature, tracing the different voices and poetic forms and the symbolism, but that was a long time ago, twenty years, I think), of not knowing any Christians who explore their beliefs. She doesn’t have a clue what is out there in terms of real, peer-reviewed (uh-oh) biblical research. I think she’d be shocked if she learned how most respected biblical scholars who are Christians also do not (because being lettered they cannot) take Genesis literally – but whatever, they must all be part of the Darwinian conspiracy, too.

Oh, well, too late now. Plus, I'm not an expert on that, and it's not my job to make her see.

Creationism confuses people. You already know that, but I’m telling you, it really works on you emotionally. Until about three years ago it still worked on me, just like hell and the fear of Armageddon, despite everything. There was always something in my gut, not in my mind, that let it get to me, despite giving up on religious belief so long ago. I don’t even know how to describe it, except as plan fucking fear. And that fear is what they’re stoking when they say things like, “Scientists are afraid of the truth!” A part of you wonders if the scientist indeed feels this same fear, if the intellectual theologian on PBS does. And that’s how they getcha.

I think seeing what was going on with ID and becoming active again in the debate helped me through this. Irreducible complexity, CSI? Is this what they’re reduced to? This old fear I felt whenever I still saw those old Hal Lindsey books in my childhood home finally fell away from my like an old sweater. When I see them today they don’t work on me anymore. You think I'd be too old for this stuff, anyway.

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr


Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,10:57   

Quote (Kristine @ Feb. 15 2008,16:22)

And that fear is what they’re stoking when they say things like, “Scientists are afraid of the truth!” A part of you wonders if the scientist indeed feels this same fear, if the intellectual theologian on PBS does.


Speaking from personal experience, the answer is no. Scientists are a) not afraid of the truth and b) not afraid of creationists or anti-science loons of any type. I also have a wealth of anecdotal data in the form of myriad conversations with colleagues to at least make this a phenomenon worth investigating! ;-)

So fear is not the problem scientists suffer from when confronted with creationists et al.. Now if you'd asked if annoyance, frustration, irritation and general anger at having their time wasted by fervent proponents of demonstrated nonsense and outright bullshit was the problem, then I'm afraid to say I'm guilty as charged. As indeed are most of the people I have spoken to. Apart from that special select few who seem to regard creationists as some kind of bad taste joke and/or morons and/or people in need of at least two forms of medical intervention.

There IS a difference between appearing angry because you're afraid of X and actually BEING angry because X is a fucking annoyance. This is a difference that FTK (for example) is incapabale of grasping. Or at least incapable of grasping that it applies to people she might disagree with.




Posts: 5455
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,11:10   

Quote (Kristine @ Feb. 15 2008,11:22)
Now that I look back it’s too bad we didn’t also invite any biblical scholars to this thread

My Dear Dr. Clouserbot is always a bit of fun.

Alas, I haven't seen her in a dog's age.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


Posts: 3061
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(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,11:54   

Quote (Louis @ Feb. 15 2008,09:57)
Quote (Kristine @ Feb. 15 2008,16:22)

And that fear is what they’re stoking when they say things like, “Scientists are afraid of the truth!” A part of you wonders if the scientist indeed feels this same fear, if the intellectual theologian on PBS does.


Speaking from personal experience, the answer is no. Scientists are a) not afraid of the truth and b) not afraid of creationists or anti-science loons of any type. I also have a wealth of anecdotal data in the form of myriad conversations with colleagues to at least make this a phenomenon worth investigating! ;-)

So fear is not the problem scientists suffer from when confronted with creationists et al.. Now if you'd asked if annoyance, frustration, irritation and general anger at having their time wasted by fervent proponents of demonstrated nonsense and outright bullshit was the problem, then I'm afraid to say I'm guilty as charged. As indeed are most of the people I have spoken to. Apart from that special select few who seem to regard creationists as some kind of bad taste joke and/or morons and/or people in need of at least two forms of medical intervention.

There IS a difference between appearing angry because you're afraid of X and actually BEING angry because X is a fucking annoyance. This is a difference that FTK (for example) is incapabale of grasping. Or at least incapable of grasping that it applies to people she might disagree with.


I know that Louis, but what I'm saying is, that's what preys upon the layman, this fear. So that's why a statement like "What are scientists afraid of?"* can work on people, even me, by helping us to project our own fear, which is our own problem, onto you guys. And the fact that educated laypeople like me do know better makes us less likely to admit (and thus confront) this fear, because it's also quite embarrassing to be scared, and thus this increases our fear. Boy, isn't that clever? Through guilt and fear and shame, the creationists make the people do their work for them! This creo technique is something that's become transparent for me through all this evo-creo debate, and now that I see it, it's lost its power.

*Or "what are they hiding?" or "why can't they debate," etc., yadda yadda, blahdy-blah.

Which came first: the shimmy, or the hip?

AtBC Poet Laureate

"I happen to think that this prerequisite criterion of empirical evidence is itself not empirical." - Clive

"Damn you. This means a trip to the library. Again." -- fnxtr

Erasmus, FCD

Posts: 6349
Joined: June 2007

(Permalink) Posted: Feb. 15 2008,11:59   

* or why can't you admit that you are all atheists on a daily basis?

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles

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