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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,18:59   

Quote (Erasmus, FCD @ Jan. 03 2008,18:56)
You have no 'true base for morality' either.

You believe in fairy tales.

Be honest, thou impostor.

Nothing wrong with that. Aesop's fables (old testament?) combined with the Grimm tales (new testament?) would probably provide an effective, consistent and shared 'true base for morality'. Christian exegesis, on the other hand. . .


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,19:13   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 03 2008,18:59)
We're beginning to stray afield of Sal and his (utter and complete lack of) morals, his blog, or his stupidity.

If we're not going to get back to Young Cosmos and the vacuity and idiocy of that place, then we need to move this conversation back to Ftk's thread.

So true, and I was part of the problem this time.  

*Hangs head in shame*


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,19:35   

Ok, the proselytizing is rather inappropriate for this forum.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,19:37   

Ftk (and others),

In the interest of organization, I've left a lengthy (for me - not for Louis) reply to Ftk's statement that atheists have no basis for morality in the Ftk thread. I'm not demanding that I get replied to first, but perhaps we should move that discussion back over there.

"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" -Calvin


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,19:39   

Quote (argystokes @ Jan. 03 2008,20:37)
Ftk (and others),

In the interest of organization, I've left a lengthy (for me - not for Louis) reply to Ftk's statement that atheists have no basis for morality in the Ftk thread. I'm not demanding that I get replied to first, but perhaps we should move that discussion back over there.


“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,19:46   

From PZ's Palace:

After reading Prof. Myers sanctimonious moral condemnation of libertarians I don't see where he gets off complaining about someone criticizing the political positions his daughter takes.

Presumably he believes his daughter can stand on her own two feet since he allows her to blog about bestiality. Either her voice opinions can stand up to criticism or they cannot.

Sure she began with: "Allow me to first tell you that I personally do not have an interest in bestiality. I don't support it being legal because I want to hump animals."

Ok, I can believe that.

Then she writes: "Ever owned a dog? They'll come right up to you and start poking at your crotch. What if you don't have pants on at the time? And what if you maybe enjoy a little complication-free oral sex?"

Then: "Sexual relationships between humans and animals come as such a shock to people, but it doesn't to me. There can be very deep, meaningful relationships between humans and their pets. Obviously they can't obtain the same level a deep human-to-human relationship, but loving your pets isn't anything unusual. People care for their pets, talk to them, spoil them, feel relaxed in their company, and mourn them when they die. This relationship is so underestimated. Why does it come as a surprise that when someone feels a deep connection to their pet, they might be interesting in doing something more expressive and intimate like we do in human-to-human relationships?"

She further adds in the comments: "Of course adults should be allowed to engage in incest. I just personally think breeding would be very bad idea, for obvious reasons."

Her writing makes it clear that she thinks such behavior should be legal but further she gives the distinct impression that she sees little wrong with it.

So the natural question is, what if she had a change of heart and did have "a personal interest in bestiality", or did want to "hump animals". Suppose one day she just happened not to have her pants on when the dog poked his nose in there and this time she liked it? I don't see by her argument why she wouldn't go for it and "maybe enjoy a little complication-free oral sex."

In which case Prof. Myers just might be in a position where his daughter is buying a larger breed of dog. Is it such a stretch for the other guy to mock Myers that his daughter might just bring home a peccary as a husband?

Why these complains of "quote mining" the article was only written a few months ago and probably just came to his attention. Furthermore, the quotes don't really distort what she was saying. She seems to have no notion that getting oral sex from the dog might be wrong for some reason or another. To her it's "complication-free". I guess so till your dad finds out, or worse the neighborhood.

Considering her additional comment about incest just be thankful the picture of the peccary wasn't a picture of Prof. Myers. Especially considering that there was a recent scientific paper showing that human incest might not be so incredibly dangerous from a genetic standpoint as popularly believed.

Why the moral invective against libertarians when it appears that his own daughter goes beyond legalizing certain behavior and actually seems to think it's morally acceptable.

Not sure how old she is as her blog doesn't say, but someone here claims she's 17. Not sure what the law is on having these kinds of discussions with a 17 year old over the internet in Minnesota so I think I'll refrain from that.

I'm certainly interested in what moral (or other) arguments Prof. Myers would give to his daughter on this subject. That's the angle he's being attacked.

I know what I would have to say but I'm not sure what he would. I think it's a valid question from their perspective. The religious can say "God says no" and they aren't aware of what an atheist would say to their daughter in this case.

BTW, based on his moral denunciation of libertarians as having "bourgeois values" I get the distinct feeling Myers is a Marxist. I'd also be interested in how he can justify moral condemnation for "bourgeois values" when apparently he hasn't even instructed his child throughly enough to even recognize bestiality as immoral.

First he finds "libertarians represent the worst of America" and calls them "My least favorite political/economic group". Which would mean he likes Nazis and racial separatists more. Now he seems to have taught his daughter a moral reasoning that finds incest and zoophilia morally acceptable. Not sure what to make of this. A great man Milton Freedman is some kind of moral leper to him and it seems like he might think someone who's buggering their dog isn't.

Just so you don't get confused. I'm an atheist who knows evolution is true and the theory of natural selection is the best model of how it works. So I'm not here to defend the creationist.

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,19:49   

Quote (Ftk @ Jan. 03 2008,20:46)
From PZ's Palace:

After reading Prof. Myers sanctimonious moral condemnation of libertarians I don't see where he gets off complaining about someone criticizing the political positions his daughter takes.

(snip rant)

Just so you don't get confused. I'm an atheist who knows evolution is true and the theory of natural selection is the best model of how it works. So I'm not here to defend the creationist.

The reply, from our very own Ichthyic

Just so you don't get confused

we're not confused, Macker.

we know from past experience you say stupid shit all the time.

no worries.

Edited by Lou FCD on Jan. 03 2008,20:50

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Reciprocating Bill

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,20:09   

It is only fair to acknowledge this:
...It seems my humor at Skatje’s expense (here) ruffled her feathers pretty badly...

...I try to be a gentleman on occasion. Along those lines, I extend my apology.

Now, Sal, resist, OH RESIST the temptation to turn this into notpology.
*RB glances at watch*

Myth: Something that never was true, and always will be.

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,20:10   

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Erasmus, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,20:12   

FtK no wonder you like that post from PZs.  It's your favorite style:  argument from consequences (what if your neighbors find out!!!)

The reason that this is on topic wrt Sal is that there is virtually NO ONE ELSE IN THE BLOGOSPHERE that respects anything that you have to say.  I know that some did for a while.  But you are batshit crazy and you consort with ne'er-do-wells, miscreants, woebegottens, vagabonds, nomads, wastrels, rogues and other nefarious villiany types.  

Anyone with any integrity doesn't give a damn what Sal or you have to say.

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,20:28   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 03 2008,20:49)
Quote (Ftk @ Jan. 03 2008,20:46)
From PZ's Palace:

After reading Prof. Myers sanctimonious moral condemnation of libertarians I don't see where he gets off complaining about someone criticizing the political positions his daughter takes.

(snip rant)

Just so you don't get confused. I'm an atheist who knows evolution is true and the theory of natural selection is the best model of how it works. So I'm not here to defend the creationist.

The reply, from our very own Ichthyic

Just so you don't get confused

we're not confused, Macker.

we know from past experience you say stupid shit all the time.

no worries.

I wouldn't get my political analysis from PZ any more than I would get my biology from a political scientist. It's simply not his area of expertise.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,20:33   

Quote (stevestory @ Jan. 03 2008,21:28)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 03 2008,20:49)
Quote (Ftk @ Jan. 03 2008,20:46)
From PZ's Palace:

After reading Prof. Myers sanctimonious moral condemnation of libertarians I don't see where he gets off complaining about someone criticizing the political positions his daughter takes.

(snip rant)

Just so you don't get confused. I'm an atheist who knows evolution is true and the theory of natural selection is the best model of how it works. So I'm not here to defend the creationist.

The reply, from our very own Ichthyic

Just so you don't get confused

we're not confused, Macker.

we know from past experience you say stupid shit all the time.

no worries.

I wouldn't get my political analysis from PZ any more than I would get my biology from a political scientist. It's simply not his area of expertise.

Is this a test?

The only one bringing up "politics" was the idiot commenter that Ftk quoted, and as far as I could tell, it was totally a non-seq.

He was just looking for an excuse to bring it up.

Edited because I really don't know enough about him to be calling him an idiot, I've only bumped into his comments on that thread.

Edited by Lou FCD on Jan. 03 2008,21:40

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,20:49   

I haven't read the thread. I just made that comment because it's bizarre to me that someone would really care about the political opinions of a biologist with no particular expertise in political or economic theory. Even bizarrer that someone would care about the political opinions of the biologist's teenage daughter.


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,20:54   

Quote (stevestory @ Jan. 03 2008,21:49)
I haven't read the thread. I just made that comment because it's bizarre to me that someone would really care about the political opinions of a biologist with no particular expertise in political or economic theory. Even bizarrer that someone would care about the political opinions of the biologist's teenage daughter.

The thread's become a train wreck, and it's heavily influenced this thread because of the connection to Slimy Sal.

I agree though, bizarre.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Erasmus, FCD

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,21:18   

Re Roughgarden, I had the fortune to have lunch with this person just a few weeks after september 11.  I was quite amazed at the lunacy I heard during that lunch session, she rambled about hyper-evolution within the Taliban, supported by two things:  family connections to power and the fact that they all looked alike!!!!  I really had a hard time keeping my mouth shut about that, esp since all the other grad students were kissing ass and wanking about their research (yeah, who cares, right?  that's why visiting seminar speakers visit your school, to hear about how you catch striped bass in a ferris wheel looking thing).  

It was rather entertaining though, she made so many comments about Jesse Helms that I just had to play devil's advocate and pretend to support him (actually the argument was, Hell, he's just what the people of NC want!!!  Re-elected him since Moses!!!!  Do you know better than hundreds of thousands of other people?  not a strong argument, but it does turn the emotional tables).  Turned into an interesting conversation after that and I think she realized she'd overplayed her hand and calmed down.  Couple of the kiss up grad students looked at me like I had called her the things they were thinking in their own heads.

Good times.  That is a weird bird there.  Really sharp, but I completely disagree with a lot of what Roughgarden says though.

You're obviously illiterate as hell. Peach, bro.-FtK

Finding something hard to believe based on the evidence, is science.-JoeG

the odds of getting some loathsome taint are low-- Gordon E Mullings Manjack Heights Montserrat

I work on molecular systems with pathway charts and such.-Giggles


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 03 2008,21:21   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 03 2008,20:54)
The thread's become a train wreck, and it's heavily influenced this thread because of the connection to Slimy Sal.

I agree though, bizarre.

Yep. It's all my fault, too. If I hadn't pointed to FtK's fingerprints on Sal's wretched post back on page 9 or whatever, none of this would have happened. FtK would not be banned at Pharyngula, and Sal and Skatje would probably be best friends by now. Unless Sal's peccary is the jealous sort...

Please forgive me.  I'll go back to the FtK thread and behave myself now.

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,07:28   

Hey, what happened to the Trackback widget in the sidebar at Young Cosmos????


JanieBelle has a clue...

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Mister DNA

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,07:44   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 04 2008,07:28)
Hey, what happened to the Trackback widget in the sidebar at Young Cosmos????


JanieBelle has a clue...

heh... I knew it was too good to last. I got a buttload of traffic from Young Cosmos yesterday.

There's some nifty screen caps of the "Recent Comments" sidebar here.

CBEB's: The Church Burnin' Ebola Blog
Thank you, Dr. Dembski. You are without peer when it comes to The Argument Regarding Design. - vesf


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,07:55   

Quote (Mister DNA @ Jan. 04 2008,08:44)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 04 2008,07:28)
Hey, what happened to the Trackback widget in the sidebar at Young Cosmos????


JanieBelle has a clue...

heh... I knew it was too good to last. I got a buttload of traffic from Young Cosmos yesterday.

There's some nifty screen caps of the "Recent Comments" sidebar here.

Yeah, Janie had an all time record day within an hour of PZ making his post about Sal's award.  Yesterday was almost three times THAT number.

There is a huge number of people out there that are now keenly aware of just what sort of folks inhabit Young Cosmos.

The girls and I love Ftk's latest, amazing, huge, earth-shattering discovery.  Made our morning.


“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,07:59   

:p  :p You look absolutely lovely in that shade of red, Lou.  So Purdy!

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero

Tracy P. Hamilton

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,08:02   

Quote (Doc Bill @ Jan. 03 2008,18:31)
In your world, FtK, do bears steal picnic baskets and pull pranks on park rangers?

and did she condone it?  :)

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,08:02   

Thank you.  My dead Aunt who requested that would have been proud, and tickled.

I notice that you didn't mention the whole story at Young Cosmos.  Sorta like quotemining via photograph.

That's a new trick.

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Mister DNA

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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,08:23   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 04 2008,07:55)
Quote (Mister DNA @ Jan. 04 2008,08:44)
Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 04 2008,07:28)
Hey, what happened to the Trackback widget in the sidebar at Young Cosmos????


JanieBelle has a clue...

heh... I knew it was too good to last. I got a buttload of traffic from Young Cosmos yesterday.

There's some nifty screen caps of the "Recent Comments" sidebar here.

Yeah, Janie had an all time record day within an hour of PZ making his post about Sal's award.  Yesterday was almost three times THAT number.

There is a huge number of people out there that are now keenly aware of just what sort of folks inhabit Young Cosmos.

The girls and I love Ftk's latest, amazing, huge, earth-shattering discovery.  Made our morning.


Keep in mind FtK is under the impression that:

a) Walt Brown is doing science

b) Sal Cordova is a nice person

c) naming her blog "Reasonable Kansans" gives people the impression that she's a reasonable person.

While it's funny as hell, it doesn't surprise me in the least that she thought JanieBelle was real.

CBEB's: The Church Burnin' Ebola Blog
Thank you, Dr. Dembski. You are without peer when it comes to The Argument Regarding Design. - vesf


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,08:26   

Ftk, I know that you're intellectually challenged, and that you suffer from a massive, MONUMENTAL martyrdom complex, but honestly.  It's not hard.

If you wish to discuss UDoJ, there is a thread for that.

If you want to discuss my Aunt or me, do it at my blog.  The link is in my sig, which you have apparently missed for months on end.

If you wish to take cheap shots at me, do it at your blog.

If you wish to discuss Young Cosmos, that goes here.

ETA:  I really try hard to find new photos for each BW marker, but this one is just so damned appropriate.

Edited by Lou FCD on Jan. 04 2008,09:30

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,08:30   

Quote (Ftk @ Jan. 04 2008,08:27)
Yeah, I thought Janiebelle was real.  There are all kinds of freaky sex addicts on the Internet.  Though, when I found out it was Lou, it became even freakier.


On topic question.

What is the single most convincing piece of physical evidence that for you shows that the cosmos is young?

For me, it's hard to pick the most compelling argument, but I suppose the most obvious one is that visually the universe is very very very large. It could not be 6000 years old unless our understanding of large amounts of physics is very wrong indeed.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,08:34   

If you want to discuss my Aunt or me, do it at my blog.  The link is in my sig, which you have apparently missed for months on end.

Like I said at YC, Lou...I didn't pay much attention to you at all when first posting here.  You didn't post that often that I remember, or if you did, you must not have said anything interesting enough to catch my attention.  

I ran across "Janiebelle" at Kristine's place.  I didn't put two and two together for about a month because there was no reason to.  That was some time ago, and actually I did figure it out from you sig after you started posting more frequently.

Interesting hobby you've got going there....

"Evolution is a creationism and just as illogical [as] the other pantheistic creation myths"  -forastero


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,08:36   

Quote (Ftk @ Jan. 04 2008,08:34)
Interesting hobby you've got going there....

Not as interesting as Ted Haggart's.

I also mentioned that He'd have to give me a thorough explanation as to *why* I must "eat human babies".

if there are even critical flaws in Gauger’s work, the evo mat narrative cannot stand
Gordon Mullings


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,08:38   


Well, she did mention YC.  That's sorta tangential.

Edited by Lou FCD on Jan. 04 2008,09:39

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

Mister DNA

Posts: 466
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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,08:38   

Quote (Lou FCD @ Jan. 04 2008,08:26)
Ftk, I know that you're intellectually challenged, and that you suffer from a massive, MONUMENTAL martyrdom complex, but honestly.  It's not hard.

If you wish to discuss UDoJ, there is a thread for that.

If you want to discuss my Aunt or me, do it at my blog.  The link is in my sig, which you have apparently missed for months on end.

If you wish to take cheap shots at me, do it at your blog.

If you wish to discuss Young Cosmos, that goes here.

ETA:  I really try hard to find new photos for each BW marker, but this one is just so damned appropriate.

Just a suggestion, Lou... maybe you could temporarily lock this thread until we can corral FtK back into her cage? If she wants to defend Slimy Sal, she can do it in her own thread.

I mean, I realize that FtK is free to post in any of the threads here, but no matter which thread she's in she's going to make it all about her. So we might as well try to contain the mess.

CBEB's: The Church Burnin' Ebola Blog
Thank you, Dr. Dembski. You are without peer when it comes to The Argument Regarding Design. - vesf


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(Permalink) Posted: Jan. 04 2008,08:41   

Quote (Ftk @ Jan. 04 2008,08:34)
Interesting hobby you've got going there....

Yep, exposing liars and making fun of them very publicly is an amusing passtime.

ETA: Like Slimy Sal fer instance (just to be topical.)

Edited by Lou FCD on Jan. 04 2008,09:43

“Why do creationists have such a hard time with commas?

Linky“. ~ Steve Story, Legend

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