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  Topic: A Modest Proposal< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

Posts: 1143
Joined: Mar. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 21 2006,00:04   

OK, let's take this from the top...
Because I shouldn't have to say such stupid and obvious things. Everyone except you knows that the majority of American Hispanics are obviously of mixed racial descent.

Oh really? Stupid and obvious? You sound like AFDave more and more, ghost! how does "mixed racial descent" imply a distinct race? Like I said, maybe in your world. In reality, the different races in the US do not include Hispanics: Hispanics are a cultural/ethnical minority (and that's also what "La Raza" -which, btw, if you believe Wikipedia, comes from "La Raza Cosmica" :) - would say to you).And more than 90% of them are categorized as white. Not being 'purebloods' (although that's far less than the "majority") might mean something to you, but not to Federal agencies. They don't care about what you (or I) think, Ghost: They just try to create some statistics that are as objective (and useful) as possible.
I don't have to "redefine" racial categories, Faid, especially since I'm not the one disputing them.

And who is? Me? You want Hispanics to be treated as a race instead of a national minority, Ghost.
And even the government takes care to distinguish between "Non-Hispanic Whites" and "Hispanics". Why don't they make these distinctions between, say, Greeks and other whites if there's no substantial difference? Could it be because Hispanics are a mixed race, and don't fit neatly into a racial category?
...Or, maybe, that they are not a race at all, but a cultural and social minority? Precicely because there are more races than one among them? As for your argument, let me help you turn it the right way up: If the goverment creates a distinction between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites, what does that tell you about Hispanics and their dominant race? Otherwise, why not simply refer to them as Whites and Hispanics, if they are so racially diferrent?
You forgot my argument, Faid. I was showing that the fed's "victim" and "offender" subcategories were treated by the FBI as mutually exclusive, and that they did not collapse the "Hispanic" category into the "White" category. The totals prove they don't. I wasn't arguing that the categories were logically distinct, despite what your feverish liberal brain might have told you.

Gah! Not again! Pleeeease Ghost, can you pay a little attention?
Those totals do not "overlap" (except where cases of multiple bias are examined) because they are NOT totals of characteristics of victims; they are totals of victims depending on how they were victimised upon. Basically, they are totals of crimes, attributed to the number of victims (and of offences, on the other table). The victims are not differentiated by their characteristics. They are differentiated by the definition of the crime they were subject to. That is why anti-jewish crimes are more than anti-white ones: The anti-white crimes do not represent all the hate crimes against whites- they represent all the crimes against people because they were white. And that's not the same number, of course. In that regard, Hispanics dont get their "own little category": They are treated (for ethnic-bias crimes) just as Jews are (for religious-bias crimes) or even homosexuals (for homosexual-bias). Is that so hard to grasp?

But..... Now waitaminute:
Yes, Faid, I've been aware of this from the very beginning. Certainly, a bigot might target a Jewish person for his race rather than his religion, with the police sergeant checking the correct box at the station.

Butbutbut you just said... right now, one quote up...  if you knew then what the heck...

oh what the.... It's my fault for taking you seriously again.
If you knew that from the start, Ghost, then I wonder who wrote this:
See how they have each category subdivided? If we assume that these categories overlap, then that means that there were more Jewish victims than "White" victims overall, which would be a logical absurdity. In addition, see the footnote under "Multiple Bias Incidents"

A logical absurdity, eh, well I guess that guy had no idea what he was talking about.
or this guy:
Same problems: 1) there are more Jewish victims than White victims, 2) the footnote implies once again that the categories are mutually exclusive, and 3) the category sums match the total number of victims, which is inconsistent with any overlap. So either these charts are the worst of all time (a reasonable hypothesis, given the source), or the victim categories are, indeed, mutually exclusive. Which means that Hispanic victims are not lumped in with White victims. Which makes the FBI statistics hoax-alicious.

Whoa, if only you were there to teach that guy a thing or two... also that guy that posted that quote above I just addressed... But wait that was you. It was all you. Is your name legion, Ghost?

Come on, admit it... You just figured it out, as you typed the response, now didn't you?  :D

And since you finally conceded to what I was saying all along, you try to take this elsewhere:
But you never showed that appreciable numbers of bigots assaulted Hispanics because they viewed them as white. This evidence is crucial, because the claim itself is silly
(bolds mine)

"Appreciable numbers"? Watch your back with those goalposts, Ghost. Why should I show something I have not claimed? In case you forgot, our dispute was this: You claimed that the FBI (as part of that great 'Conspiracy';) made a dishonest distinction by "lumping up" Hispanics with whites as offenders, and treating them separately as victims. I explained that your sources were BSing you, and that it was a valid distinction because only the race of the offenders was evaluated- while Hispanics get their category as a victim because of ethnic bias crimes against them. And race had nothing to do with that, since as offenders they'd be for the most part (90%, I guess) with whites. I said nothing about percentages: I said that's how it should be. Now you may think that should not be so: And, like I said, when you guys take over you can 'make' Hispanics a distinct race- or, even better, you can start collecting the nationality of all offenders as well  (and I can only imagine the effect that would have on the "liberal media" :) )... But you cannot claim that the FBI forged or cooked any data up to serve its "agenda", because it is simply not true.
Once again, Faid, most Hispanics are readily distinguishable from light-skinned whites. As for the occasional bigot who mistakes a Latino for a non-Hispanic white, does this really change the nature of the crime? If I set out to kill a Jewish person and accidentally kill an Italian instead, would I be any less the anti-Semite?

Um, what does that have to do with anything? And anyway, what's with the "mistakes"? Is the idea of, say, a black who hates hispanic as well as non-hispanic whites alike so alien to you? Or is it that blacks and latinos are bloodbrothers in the fight against their common enemy the lilly-arse Anglo? Well you may think so, but the FBI has to deal with the real world, not your concpiracy theories.
Hells Bells, Faid, it's bad enough I had to listen to 90 minutes of this crap when my girlfriend dragged me to "My Big Fat Grssk Wedding". Peddle your racial identity issues to someone who gets paid for it. I'm just an American mutt, Faid, what would you have me do? Maybe you guys should have thought this through before shagging Turkish babes.  :D  :D  :D

Whoa steady there, Siegfried... Don't get all excited. If I knew that the mental image I provided for you (of a beautiful young lady who has a dark complexion and is also Caucasian) would be so revolting to your poor Aryan mind, I'd have held my tongue. I readily apologise, and promise I'll keep the unspeakable horrors of reality to myself from now on.
(BTW, what race do you think the Turks are, Ghost?  :D  )

I only brought it up because I knew you still disputed this claim, and I wanted newcomers to be aware of our little debate. I thought, and still think, that you haven't defended your point very well. You have supplied no evidence for your position; you simply assert it. Come back when you have evidence

Ghost, ghost, ghost... If that is what you wanted, then you would have simply posted a link to the site (much like how you accused me of not doing- hah!;) But, as you know, I already responded to that:
When people (honest people) withdraw from defending a subject, they don't bring it back later to claim they've won. Did you see me ever bring that debate up, although I DID have the last word, by consensus or not? And you accuse ME of lying? Where did I lie? I never said you didn't say so "beforehand"... I just said you DID NOT answer, and therefore you have no right to act as if you did.

No, what you wanted was to make "newcomers" think that you had triumphed on some old debate, a debate you had in fact backed away from, willingly. that doesn't prove you wrong, but it doesn't make you right either. But the "newcomers" wouldn't know that.... Typical of Paley.
Well, I don't think I need any more "evidence" now that you finally figured the whole thing out, ghost my friend.... But tell you what: You come back when you grow a pair and admit that what you did was crappy. And of course, apologize for accusing me of lying.

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


Posts: 3325
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 21 2006,00:32   


um, what the he11 are "light-skinned whites"?

Is this to distinguish from those of mediterranean heritage?

does it mean "european whites"?

no, that would exclude caucasians of spanish descent.

where does gawp think he fits into his own socio-policital-geographical whiteness?

oh that's right, he's unique.  the umbrella is for everybody else

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 21 2006,08:21   

Hitting the Retsina again I see.....
Oh really? Stupid and obvious? You sound like AFDave more and more, ghost! how does "mixed racial descent" imply a distinct race? Like I said, maybe in your world. In reality, the different races in the US do not include Hispanics: Hispanics are a cultural/ethnical minority

No #$%$, Sherlock. But the reason they are considered a "cultural/ethnic minority" is because of their interracial mixture. By the way, the Census considers "American Indian", "Alaska Native", "Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander" as distinct racial categories, so the Census, by its own logic, would be forced to consider Mestizos as mixed, nu? It doesn't, but that's probably because making fine racial distinctions isn't a priority of the USCB.
(and that's also what "La Raza" -which, btw, if you believe Wikipedia, comes from "La Raza Cosmica"  - would say to you).And more than 90% of them are categorized as white. Not being 'purebloods' (although that's far less than the "majority") might mean something to you, but not to Federal agencies. They don't care about what you (or I) think, Ghost: They just try to create some statistics that are as objective (and useful) as possible.

Yes. And they're refining their methodology all the time. Let's suppose, however, that in tabulating poverty in America, the Feds classified blue-collar/unemployed Mulattoes as "white" and white-collar Mulattoes as "mixed race/other", and tried to justify this by saying, "Uhhhh, well, we found it easier to make these racial breakdowns as we went up the social ladder, and hey, we do this across all racial categories, so we're being consistent!" How long do you think civil rights groups would buy this explanation?
     Well, that's what the Feds are doing here. They classify Mestizos as "white" when they commit crime, and then give them a special category when they're victimised. I've got an easier solution: how about giving them their own category as victims and criminals? That would be more symmetric, it would give the American public a better idea of what's going on, and it would make more sense in a report that's about race. They could label the categories as, I don't know, "Hispanic", and "non-Hispanic white". Would this bold new government classification scheme work, Faid? Here's why they won't, though: because then Americans would discover that many "white" hatecrimes ain't as "white" as they're cracked up to be.

 As for this "La Raza Cosmica" book, let's look at a couple of passages:

Es tésis central del presente libro que las distintas razas del mundo tienden a mezclarse cada vez más, hasta formar un nuevo tipo humano, compuesto con la selección de cada uno de los pueblos existentes. Se publicó por primera vez tal presagio en la época en que prevalecía, en el mundo científico, la doctrina darwinista de la selección natural que salva a los aptos, condena a los débiles; doctrina que llevada al terreno social por Gobineau, dio origen a la teoría del ario puro, defendida por los ingleses, llevada a imposición aberrante por el nazismo.
Las circumstancias actuales favorecen, en consequencia, el desarrollo de las relaciones sexuales interraciales, lo que presta apoyo inesperado a la tesis que, a falta de nombre mejor, titulé: de la Raza Cósmica futura.
En todo caso, la conclusión más optimista que se puede derivar de los hechos observados es que aun los mestizajes más contradictorios pueden resolverse benéficamente siempre que el factor espiritual contribuya a levantarlos. En efecto, la decadencia de los pueblos asiáticos es atributible a su aislamiento, pero también, y sin duda, en primer término, al hecho de que no han sido cristianizados. Una religión como la cristiana hizo avanzar a los indios americanos, en pocas centurias, desde el canibalismo hasta la relativa civilización.

Would any Spanish-speaking Panda's Bummer care to translate for the audience?
And who is? Me? You want Hispanics to be treated as a race instead of a national minority, Ghost.

No, but a little consistency wouldn't hurt: if the government creates the "Hispanic/NonHispanic White" category, then it should use it consistently, especially where dropping the distinction would cause confusion. I honestly don't give a toss how the guv classifies people, but I don't like equivocation, especially when the result (if not the intention  ;) ) leads to demonising races. Since I've been personally targeted for racial violence myself (it didn't lead anywhere when the perps saw that this was actually a

), you might see why I'm a little sensitive on this issue.

...Or, maybe, that they are not a race at all, but a cultural and social minority? Precicely because there are more races than one among them? As for your argument, let me help you turn it the right way up: If the goverment creates a distinction between Hispanics and Non-Hispanic Whites, what does that tell you about Hispanics and their dominant race? Otherwise, why not simply refer to them as Whites and Hispanics, if they are so racially diferrent?

Great. So let's see some consistency.

Come on, admit it... You just figured it out, as you typed the response, now didn't you?

You're probably correct that I initially misunderstood your point, but don't interpret my misunderstanding of your bong and ouzo-fueled posts as a lack of understanding of the FBI categories themselves. In other words, I overestimated you, but won't do it again.  :D  :D  :D

"Appreciable numbers"? Watch your back with those goalposts, Ghost. Why should I show something I have not claimed? In case you forgot, our dispute was this: You claimed that the FBI (as part of that great 'Conspiracy' made a dishonest distinction by "lumping up" Hispanics with whites as offenders, and treating them separately as victims. I explained that your sources were BSing you, and that it was a valid distinction because only the race of the offenders was evaluated- while Hispanics get their category as a victim because of ethnic bias crimes against them. And race had nothing to do with that, since as offenders they'd be for the most part (90%, I guess) with whites. I said nothing about percentages: I said that's how it should be.

For the life of me, I can't see how this is meaningful. Thugs who want to target white people do so. In selecting their victims, it's hard to see why they would choose Hispanics, who

1) Are not white

2) Are not viewed as white; and

3) Are not going to be mistaken for white.

Now, we can argue all day about whether Hispanics should be classified as "white", "mixed", or "other", and then debate how consistently the classifications should be applied across crime categories, but none of this changes the real point, which is that almost all white-targeted victims of hate crimes are, in fact, unambiguously white. In any case, I really do understand your argument -- I just find it inane.
And, like I said, when you guys take over you can 'make' Hispanics a distinct race- or, even better, you can start collecting the nationality of all offenders as well  (and I can only imagine the effect that would have on the "liberal media"  )

Uhhh Faid, are you implying something about the ethnic make-up of our media? This type of allegation doesn't help your liberal cred any, Faid. I'm just sayin'........
... But you cannot claim that the FBI forged or cooked any data up to serve its "agenda", because it is simply not true.

Sure I can, because it is.
Whoa steady there, Siegfried... Don't get all excited. If I knew that the mental image I provided for you (of a beautiful young lady who has a dark complexion and is also Caucasian) would be so revolting to your poor Aryan mind, I'd have held my tongue. I readily apologise, and promise I'll keep the unspeakable horrors of reality to myself from now on.
(BTW, what race do you think the Turks are, Ghost?  :D )

Now, Faid, I told you to tell it to your shrink. You must have a rich fantasy life:

Faid: Sing, O muse, of the lust of Faid, that brought countless ills upon the archaens!

Muse: Und Caicosinseln keine shtuppen!

Faid:Ummmmmm.....Turkish women....



Nein! Nein!


No, what you wanted was to make "newcomers" think that you had triumphed on some old debate, a debate you had in fact backed away from, willingly. that doesn't prove you wrong, but it doesn't make you right either. But the "newcomers" wouldn't know that.... Typical of Paley.
Well, I don't think I need any more "evidence" now that you finally figured the whole thing out, ghost my friend.... But tell you what: You come back when you grow a pair and admit that what you did was crappy. And of course, apologize for accusing me of lying.

But I did triumph! I apologise for confusing opinion with fact, however. Next time I'll include a link.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 21 2006,08:55   

Awwww come on Ghosty, why don't you just say "I hate niggers!" and be done with it?

You know you're a racist scumbag trying to thinly disguise his bigotry with hastily googled misquotes and fallacious drivel. We know you're a racist scumbag trying to thinly disguise his bigotry with hastily googled misquotes and fallacious drivel.

Why beat about the Bush? (pun intended)

Why not just stick on your white sheet and hood and chant about how Jesus was white and will lead the Aryan race to dominance? Come on Ghosty, just be honest.

I'm not Dubya's biggest fan, but I'll give him credit: the man's no racist. Your insinuation says more about you than it does him.

You're still seething over being called a "homophobe", I see. Well, you might not be one, but the fact that you obviously view being gay as an insult suggests that you might have "problems", as they say. And based on the constant jabs at Denyse O'Leary for her looks and masculinity, I suspect that many posters on P.T. don't care much for lesbians and women outside of their encyclopedic pornography collections. What do I care? I'm not conflicted on these issues, because my conservatism lets me say exactly what I mean, consequences be damned. Ya'll oughta try being men, then maybe you'll feel better about yourselves and get non-inflatable girlfriends. Trust me, women want men, not self-loathing liberal wimps.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 21 2006,09:24   

Hey, Louis, here's an interview with Michelle Malkin where she discusses her personal experiences with left-wing racial bigotry.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 3325
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 21 2006,11:59   

your pictorial essays are getting more and more confusing and idiotic.

a picture might say a thousand words, but if used indiscriminately, just end up increasing the amount of drivel you spew by that much more.


what the he11 does a childhood picture of Ron Howard have to do with a picture of Kurt Russel?

You're losin it, man.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,01:56   


First, the pun was not regarding Bush being racist (as far as I am aware he isn't), the pun was regarding religious uber "KKKonservative" facists like yourself usually worship W because he panders to your fundamentalist nonsense. I'm surprised to find you claiming not to fawn at his feet.

Second, I never said being gay was anything to be insulted by. Again, keep wittering Ghosty, you'll find no homophobic insult in what I said. What I DID say that you could be insulted by is that you are quite possibly a fucked up closet case, and thus your attempts at presenting yourself as a hyper-masculine women's wet dream and all round tough guy (Snake? Oh please! You're such a hoot) are quite clearly attempts at assuaging your own self loathing. And of course it's us "libruls" that are the "girly-men" who can't get the dates, bwaaaah ha haaaa. Yeah ok Ghosty, whatever you need to believe to get through the day. Project your own inadequacies onto others much?

Be away with you, you're becoming boring. Are you going to prove that geocentrist "model" of yours anytime soon? No? Didn't think so. Stop flannelling little Ghosty, and try to do some real work. You are STILL fooling no one. Shit or get off the pot Ghosty, either present your watertight geocentrist model (cough splutter, shyeah right! And aerially acrobatic winged simians might emerge from my anus) of just admit you can't and are either a rampaging Loki troll or a total fundamentalist asylum resident.




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(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,02:51   

who needs asylums when you have public libraries to hang out in, eh gawp?

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



Posts: 6436
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(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,05:39   


I can't remember what the details of the US mental health system are but here in the UK we had/have a programme called "Care in the Community". Yes it's as good as it sounds.

For the people with "minor" mental illnesses it was a blessing, for the people who were totally incapable of caring for themselves and were a danger to themselves and others it was business as usual. For those intermediate/borderline patients it was a nightmare. In London in particular there was a upsurge in injuries and deaths of these "intermediate" patients. This was rather cynically known as "Care on the Northern Line", the Northern Line being a major line on te London Underground subway train system.

Care on the Northern Line did once provide me with an amusing incident. A crowded commuter train stopped at the platform I was on, my friend and I noticed that there was a space in one of the carriages as it passed and so raced for it. We elbowed our way into the centre of the carriage to get into the space and get a seat. As we burst through the crowd into that valuable and rare free space, we noticed a semi clad, clearly homeless and mentally disturbed "gentleman of the road" sat in the middle of the carriage masturbating furiously and noisily. As is standard practice in London, nobody was making eye contact with anyone else and everyone was very deliberately reading their Evening Standard. Which of course being British, is precisely what my friend and I immediately did. The gentleman of the road finished his round of hand to gland combat and got up, walked to the end of the carriage and got off at the next stop. Needless to say, no one sat down anywhere near his now empty seat.

Why do I bring this up? Well firstly, it's kind of funny in an unfortunate way. Secondly, it's an excellent analogy for GoP's behaviour. He is polluting our otherwise pleasant pubic space with his emissions. He is disturbing the flow of what could be otherwise pleasant conversations. The content of his emissions might be of some use to somebody, but I can't imagine who that might be. And finally, he is only pleasing himself at the expense of disgusting those around him.

Good day!



The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,09:26   

Second, I never said being gay was anything to be insulted by. Again, keep wittering Ghosty, you'll find no homophobic insult in what I said.

Sorry, Louis, your behaviour on this and other threads says differently. Your long, loving descriptions of me and other creationists having anal sex, being "closet queens", and all this talk about "lavender" shows how you loathe gay culture. Understand, I don't care, I just find it so funny that you can't see how you come across. You don't even realise how your rampant stereotyping (I've done it too -- I once made a crack of a "leatherbar on every corner") offends many gay people. Trust me, I know several gay people, and while they don't appreciate my stance on gay marriage, they also wouldn't laugh at your "jokes". But at least with me, they get an honest opinion.
What I DID say that you could be insulted by is that you are quite possibly a fucked up closet case, and thus your attempts at presenting yourself as a hyper-masculine women's wet dream and all round tough guy (Snake? Oh please! You're such a hoot) are quite clearly attempts at assuaging your own self loathing. And of course it's us "libruls" that are the "girly-men" who can't get the dates, bwaaaah ha haaaa.

See, this is what you don't get. When I was liberal, all women ignored me, now that I'm conservative, most women ignore me. This is an improvement, not that I care: I'll stick with my gal. Actually, I'm finding myself getting "the look" on occasion from single women with young children, which irritates me. I know it's petty, but I find this whole idea of "let the 'bad boys' plant the seed and get a 'good guy' to raise it" a tad manipulative. But I try my best not to hold it against them; I've made more than my share of mistakes too. And maybe its cause I'm not a teenager anymore, but I find it harder and harder to take most women seriously. For all the talk, talk, talk, they make the same stupid decisions we guys do, so what's the point really?
As far as "liberal guys not getting dates", it's all about self respect. Why date a weenie who hates himself, hates his culture, hates his gender, and takes gets pushed around by other people? Let's look at your testimony, for example:

Care on the Northern Line did once provide me with an amusing incident. A crowded commuter train stopped at the platform I was on, my friend and I noticed that there was a space in one of the carriages as it passed and so raced for it. We elbowed our way into the centre of the carriage to get into the space and get a seat. As we burst through the crowd into that valuable and rare free space, we noticed a semi clad, clearly homeless and mentally disturbed "gentleman of the road" sat in the middle of the carriage masturbating furiously and noisily. As is standard practice in London, nobody was making eye contact with anyone else and everyone was very deliberately reading their Evening Standard. Which of course being British, is precisely what my friend and I immediately did. The gentleman of the road finished his round of hand to gland combat and got up, walked to the end of the carriage and got off at the next stop. Needless to say, no one sat down anywhere near his now empty seat.

So a whole trainload of "men" just averted their eyes while a guy masturbated right in front of them, their women, and their children. Wimps.

[edit: Well, on a commuter train there probably weren't too many families. I stand behind my opinion. Wimps.]

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,09:59   

By the way, Louis, if you're wondering if I back up my tough talk, the answer is yes. In fact, on separate occasions I've had thugs (one of them about 6'5'' or so) attempt to target me for racial violence. Nothing came from it when they saw I was ready to fight. In addition, I have to tell people to take their cell phones outside from time to time when I'm posting from this library. Then, there was the incident when....well, ya'll get the point. Accept it or reject it, the truth is there are still real men in the world, and almost all of them are conservative. I've seen too many video clips of strangers standing by while someone gets assaulted or even murdered. In fact, I once saw a clip where a young man was stabbing an elderly fellow on a bus. People were just quickly deboarding as if nothing serious was happening. One young gentleman just stood there, watching the assault. What cowards we've become!

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


Posts: 380
Joined: Aug. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,10:21   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 22 2006,14:59)
the truth is there are still real men in the world, and almost all of them are conservative.

OMG - an all time classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If I fly the coop some time
And take nothing but a grip
With the few good books that really count
It's a necessary trip

I'll be gone with the girl in the gold silk jacket
The girl with the pearl-driller's hands


Posts: 3325
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,14:37   

I can't remember what the details of the US mental health system

trust me when i say you're doing yourself a favor by forgetting.

Moreover, it just keeps getting worse all the time.  They just closed the last public mental health care facility in the entire Coachella Valley (Palm Springs; desert SW CA), and trust me when i say it wasn't for lack of need.

lots of stereotypes of mental illness being somehow more malignable than any other physical ailment; and a lot of that attitude coming from Gawp's brand of "conservative".

yet one more reason I don't want to raise a family here any more; the support networks are beginning to fail completely here in CA, and it's not any better in much of the rest of the US.

but we have a darn fine war to distract us from that, eh?


"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



Posts: 3325
Joined: May 2006

(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,14:40   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 22 2006,14:59)
the truth is there are still real men in the world, and almost all of them are conservative.

OMG - an all time classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...but he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke... the same cigarettes as me.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."


Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
Joined: Oct. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,14:43   

Quote (Ichthyic @ July 22 2006,19:40)
Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 22 2006,14:59)
the truth is there are still real men in the world, and almost all of them are conservative.

OMG - an all time classic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...but he can't be a man 'cause he doesn't smoke... the same cigarettes as me.

I really like that song. The first version I heard was by the rolling stones.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,14:54   

I could be wrong, as the rise of the stones pretter much marks the limits of my personal music history, but didn't the stones actually write that one themselves?

the original and the best.

as a funky sidenote and totally OT, I used to work for the guy who managed them during their heyday (before the ancient rocker tours).

He was about as far from the rock and roll scene as one could possibly imagine when I knew him though.

"And the sea will grant each man new hope..."



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(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,21:55   


Ahhh but it's easy to fish you in. Keep playing, you never know you might score a hit. Until then it is amusing to make you dance like a monkey. Dance monkey, dance!


P.S. Wimps? Bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaha. You're killing me, Ghosty.


Stephen Elliott

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(Permalink) Posted: July 22 2006,23:08   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 22 2006,14:26)
Let's look at your testimony, for example:

Care on the Northern Line did once provide me with an amusing incident. A crowded commuter train stopped at the platform I was on, my friend and I noticed that there was a space in one of the carriages as it passed and so raced for it. We elbowed our way into the centre of the carriage to get into the space and get a seat. As we burst through the crowd into that valuable and rare free space, we noticed a semi clad, clearly homeless and mentally disturbed "gentleman of the road" sat in the middle of the carriage masturbating furiously and noisily. As is standard practice in London, nobody was making eye contact with anyone else and everyone was very deliberately reading their Evening Standard. Which of course being British, is precisely what my friend and I immediately did. The gentleman of the road finished his round of hand to gland combat and got up, walked to the end of the carriage and got off at the next stop. Needless to say, no one sat down anywhere near his now empty seat.

So a whole trainload of "men" just averted their eyes while a guy masturbated right in front of them, their women, and their children. Wimps.

[edit: Well, on a commuter train there probably weren't too many families. I stand behind my opinion. Wimps.]

So what course of action would you recommend GoP?
I reckon I would also have avoided "noticing".

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: July 23 2006,10:23   

Ahhh but it's easy to fish you in. Keep playing, you never know you might score a hit. Until then it is amusing to make you dance like a monkey. Dance monkey, dance!

Yeah, you're a real bada$$, Lou. At least when there aren't any masturbating hobos around.

Stephen Elliot:
So what course of action would you recommend GoP?
I reckon I would also have avoided "noticing".

Well, let's see, how about something like this: "While I respect your right to sexually gratify yourself, we don't allow public displays of self-affection in this civilisation. So I'll give you three choices: Pull your pants up and stay on the train, leave the train voluntarily, or leave the train head-first. You have five seconds to make up your mind." If he starts arguing, execute option 3. Chances are he won't, though. People like that count on you being scared; when you show you aren't and you mean business, they'll take their bad selves elsewhere. Even if they're "insane".

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.

Stephen Elliott

Posts: 1776
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(Permalink) Posted: July 23 2006,12:20   

Quote (The Ghost of Paley @ July 23 2006,15:23)
Stephen Elliot:
So what course of action would you recommend GoP?
I reckon I would also have avoided "noticing".

Well, let's see, how about something like this: "While I respect your right to sexually gratify yourself, we don't allow public displays of self-affection in this civilisation. So I'll give you three choices: Pull your pants up and stay on the train, leave the train voluntarily, or leave the train head-first. You have five seconds to make up your mind." If he starts arguing, execute option 3. Chances are he won't, though. People like that count on you being scared; when you show you aren't and you mean business, they'll take their bad selves elsewhere. Even if they're "insane".

So, you advocate atempting logical discourse and possibly physical violence against a person with a mental disability? That hardly sounds "manly".

Where it to an anti-social oik I would aplaud you, but not against a rather tragic person.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 23 2006,14:53   

Accept it or reject it, the truth is there are still real men in the world, and almost all of them are conservative
By the way, Louis, if you're wondering if I back up my tough talk, the answer is yes

Oh, noes, a bulletin-board tuffy.
As a successful conservative thinker awash in testosterone and bluster, I can see why you'd be using a library computer and chasing away big mean mens with cell phones. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
If you need more quarters to put in the pay-as-you-go computers there, you let me know, and I'll send you a few. I'm nothing if not helpful to my less-fortunate fellow citizens, GoP. Heck, if I saw you pushing around your supermarket cart, I might even wave hi.
On, the other hand, yeah, I think you got some issues if you propose on beating up the mentally ill on a train. Overcompensating is my guess.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: July 23 2006,23:10   

Ahhh Ghosty,

You do make I larf! Keep dancing monkey, I shall poke you some more. Dance, monkey! Dance! Don't make me electrify the floor, monkey, you are my dancing monkey bitch!

Oooh you back up your tough talk do you? Oh I'm shivering all over! Most conservatives are real men like you are they? Doubtful, I'm sure of two things: 1) some conservatives are "real men", 2) you are certainly not a "real man" by any stretch of those words. After all you are bragging about your physical prowess and manly nature on an internet bulletin board. Who is it that posts piccies of big tough men? Who is it that posts lots of piccies of pretty girls when accused of being an angry little closet case? Who is it that witters on about their butch manliness and fighting nature? Is it me? Nope. Is it any of the other "libruls" here? Nope. It's just you.

Oh dear, you make me laugh. Your pathetic psychology couldn't be more obivous. You really think that making macho claims over the internets will impress anyone or intimidate anyone? Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahhahahahahahahaha! You truly are a pathetic little maggot Ghosty.

Listen dumbass, I have heard every threat, claim and piece of macho bullshit from dozens of losers like you. If you COULD do something physical Ghosty, you wouldn't need to brag about it or make silly faux macho comments on an internet. What I love about this is you are playing to so many comedy stereotypes. The conservative bigot, uninformed by the evidence. The deluded creationist, uninformed by the evidence. The closet homosexual, desperately trying to "re-masculinise" himself due to rampant self loathing. The racist, trying to veneer his bigotry with "evidence" of the shoddiest kind. And now, most amusingly, the Intarnets Tuff-Hombre.

Oh and for the record Ghosty, I don't beat up mentally ill homeless people. Like Steve said, had it been a young oik, well aware of his actions, that would be a different matter. Actions appropriate to situation. Anyway, that story was meant to illustrate the inadequacies of our mental health system, and also the amusingly shy behaviour of London commuters. It's a cliche how involved in their Evening Standards tube commuters get when anything happens. And one NEVER talks on the tube, that just idenitifies one as a lunatic. DOn't you know anything? ;) You can call people wimps all you like Ghosty, doesn't make it so, after all you don't know the whole story, just the brief sketch I presented. How do you know no one had tried to stop him previously? How do you know there wasn't blood trickling from his nose where one gent had already battered him?

Anyway, the details of that day aren't the point. The point is that with your postings of macho men followed by rapid denials and pics of pretty girls, your regular "girly-man" denouncements of "libruls" and your apportioning all blame for all things evil in the world to "libruls" (even going so far as to claim that Hitler was a liberal of all things), your arrogant dismissal of, erm well, ALL science, and your current penchant for faux macho bullshit, your psychology is painfully clear.

Like I said before Ghosty, I'm no badass, never claimed to be, but I can make you dance to any tune I want to play.

Any chance of your geocentric model yet Ghosty? Or are we just going to get more details of your crush on Eric, your love of big wrestler boys, and your oh so macho intimidation of people with mocile phones?

No please, keep that closet door shut. The FSM only knows how camp you'd go if you ever came out. Shit, I think you'd make Peewee Herman look like Mike Tyson.

Have you deluded little inadequate.



The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: July 24 2006,05:01   

Louis and Nine:

You've got to be the funniest Mutt n' Jeff act I've encountered on the internet. In one corner, we've got Hurricane Louie, talkin' trash and launching verbal fusilades. Quantity compensates for quality here. His partner, on the other hand, draws upon his extensive experiences in the gang/crab bucket wars to craft a more refined psychological attack. Unfortunately, each suffers from a weakness that isn't compensated by the other's putative strengths: Louis's bluster can't quite cover his whitebread distaste for and fear of the lesser breeds, women and "queers" in particular, whereas Nine's background has bred an active dislike for the homeless and working poor. Nine, despite his obvious intellect and erudition, hasn't completely grokked the enemy mindset, while Louis's nerdlinger background can't quite patch Nine's cultural shortcomings. But keep working it, guys, yer very good for amateurs.

:D  :D  :D  :D

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 24 2006,06:02   


Uh huh. Mmmm smell that bullshit. You try so hard to be superior, but let's be honest, you're intellectually deficient pond life.

Nice try though.


P.S. How do you know I am neither a woman or gay? I might be both!


The Ghost of Paley

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(Permalink) Posted: July 24 2006,06:56   

Since your Mutt n' Jeff act needs serious work, I'd like to give you a little advice:

1) Internet bluster works better when the blusterer doesn't fess up to a fear of masturbating hobos;

2) Try to put yourself in enemy's mindset. Due to our inverted snobbery, whites are immune to taunts about being homeless, not owning a computer, etc. Better to push the "budgie" angle: "Hey Ghost, I'm sorry that ya gotta put up with those middle aged businessmen on cells, what with the flood in yer parent's basement shorting out yer Dell and all!" Now that's a flame!

3) Don't hurl Freudian insults like "projection", "overcompensation", etc, especially to conservatives. We view Freud as a quack with a cigar. See Frederick Crews for more detail.

Let me know if this helps! By the way, you both might have to work your act to a passive audience from now on, as I don't want to get on Wes's bad side. I suspect he's not happy with our posturing, so I'm going to focus on the arguments.

[Now Wes, that's a real man! He could even give Eric a few lessons!]

:D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 24 2006,08:09   

Nine's background has bred an active dislike for the homeless and working poor.

Well, gosh, color me surprised. Not only are you a bulletin board tuffy, but you want to pose as a psychic, too.
Let me make this quite clear: if I insult you directly, this has no bearing on my feelings about poor people or the homeless in general -- I have a great deal of sympathy for the less fortunate -- however I have little tolerance for irritants like you, GoP.
This has nothing to do with job or class or homelessness, it has to do with your patently bizarre claims, your willingness to offer up general insults, your obvious need for attention and your lack of intellectual depth or rigor while you pose and preen about your political/philosophical/religious views.
If you are indeed part of the homeless working poor, GoP, I find it inexplicable why you would support the neocon policies that have led to the current economic state of affairs here in the U.S. Today, for instance, the Los Angeles Times reported that inflation-adjusted wages for the 30 million americans with a bachelor's-level college degree were flat for the years 2000-2004, the last year available for analysis.
Let's put that in perspective, Dipshit. Gross Domestic Product has increased the last three years at an average of 3.8 %...Unemployment remains low, at 4.6%...but who is getting the money from the current economy?

Well, let's look at the unemployment rates: Of the 6.5 million jobs created since 2001, half of those were "contingent" positions composed of part-time and freelance positions without benefits. Jobs continue to be siphoned overseas or to a large number of illegal immigrant workers here in the US, keeping that Bush in fact favors amnesty for the 12 million illegal workers currently in the US. Furthermore the current unemployment figures fail to represent the numbers of chronic unemployed who have ceased even looking for jobs.

Last August the Census Bureau reported that real median family income — the purchasing power of the typical family — actually fell. Meanwhile, poverty increased, as did the number children in poverty and the number of  Americans without health insurance. So where did the growth go? Well, if you *exclude* capital gains from a rising stock market, in 2004 the real income of the richest 1 percent of Americans surged by almost 12.5 percent. Meanwhile, the average real income of the bottom 99 percent of the population rose only 1.5 percent. In other words, a relative handful of people received most of the benefits of growth. Growth didn’t just bypass the poor and the lower middle class, it bypassed the upper middle class too. Even people at the 95th percentile of the income distribution — that is, people richer than 19 out of 20 Americans — gained only **modestly**. The big increases went only to people who were already in the economic 1%, while the real earnings of the typical college graduate actually fell in 2004. In short, it’s a great economy if you’re a high-level corporate executive or someone who owns a lot of stock.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: July 24 2006,09:17   

Well, gosh, color me surprised. Not only are you a bulletin board tuffy, but you want to pose as a psychic, too.

Well, when in Rome.....
Let me make this quite clear: if I insult you directly, this has no bearing on my feelings about poor people or the homeless in general -- I have a great deal of sympathy for the less fortunate -- however I have little tolerance for irritants like you, GoP.

Yeah, I see your sympathy for poor people: it extends to those who agree with you. Those who don't get insulted, with a side-order of upper-class paternalism thrown in for measure. This is a trend I notice quite a bit with rich liberals. As OJ once said on the subject of dating Black women, "I don't shovel coal". Sad, really.
This has nothing to do with job or class or homelessness, it has to do with your patently bizarre claims, your willingness to offer up general insults, your obvious need for attention and your lack of intellectual depth or rigor while you pose and preen about your political/philosophical/religious views.

Then why bring up my income? If you don't look down on poor people, then why frame an insult around my economic status? Especially when it has nothing to do with my ability to support my arguments?
If you are indeed part of the homeless working poor, GoP, I find it inexplicable why you would support the neocon policies that have led to the current economic state of affairs here in the U.S.

     You can relax, dude, because while I'm not well-to-do by any measure, I'm certainly not poor. In fact, several years ago I was able to graduate from an apartment to a house, so I'm OK on the home front. (heh!;))

As for the politics, I'm about as big an enemy of the neocons as it's possible for a philosemitic conservative to be*, so your little lecture amounted to naught. I've made this clear several times; ask Eric, Cogzie, and Flint if you don't believe me.

*the Pat Buchanan types also being opposed to neocon philosophy

[snip boilerplate lecture cribbed from Molly Ivins]

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 24 2006,10:05   

Then why bring up my income? If you don't look down on poor people, then why frame an insult around my economic status? Especially when it has nothing to do with my ability to support my arguments?

Probably because it simply is just as insulting to you as your snide little digs at me in absentia were in this thread. Like your caricatures of my views? Your posturing as a tough-guy that is going to beat up some old nutcase on a train? The fact that you are operating out of a library? What's good for you to use is also good for me to use, GoP, correct? And it continues on in your last post, GoP... claiming that I only have sympathy for the poor that agree with me? Or that I tossed in some paternalism? Or that you can say you know my economic class?

You're awfully thin-skinned for one that painted me as:  
That's why Number Nine gets pi$$y at Dave's childhood stories; he sees Dave as belonging to a race of colonisers and exploiters, not as a fellow white man.
Considering that I am not " a fellow white man" to AirHead , nope I don't. Has no semblance in reality, although you will note that I told Dave his dad seemed like a nice guy before he (AirHead) launched into his plantation spiel.

Oh, and your guesswork about my being "rich" is also wrong. Not that being wrong is unfamiliar to you. You can untwist your knickers now, GoP.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism

The Ghost of Paley

Posts: 1703
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(Permalink) Posted: July 24 2006,11:16   

Then why bring up my income? If you don't look down on poor people, then why frame an insult around my economic status? Especially when it has nothing to do with my ability to support my arguments?

Probably because it simply is just as insulting to you as your snide little digs at me in absentia were in this thread. Like your caricatures of my views?

In other words, "I don't really view being poor as an insult, but I thought GoP might, so I threw it out there anyway!" Even if I found this plausible or moral, it doesn't change the fact that the insult came so "naturally" to you. But hey, that's between you and yer lib conscience.
Your posturing as a tough-guy that is going to beat up some old nutcase on a train?

Nutcase? Wow, you're a fount of inadvertent insights into the liberal brain. But since Mr. Elliot also expressed concern with this strategy, let's just say that if I saw that the offender was really mentally incapacitated, I would escort him from the train as gently as possible. But I would escort him, because not only is such behaviour offensive to civilisation, it also indicates a potentially dangerous predator.
That's why Number Nine gets pi$$y at Dave's childhood stories; he sees Dave as belonging to a race of colonisers and exploiters, not as a fellow white man.

Considering that I am not " a fellow white man" to AirHead , nope I don't. Has no semblance in reality, although you will note that I told Dave his dad seemed like a nice guy before he (AirHead) launched into his plantation spiel.

Learn to read for comprehension. It's Faid who thinks Latinos are white, not me. Not that there's anything wrong with that; heck, like many Americans, I ain't "quite white" meself (the Amerindian heritage is really obvious in my maternal grandma). And if you complimented his Dad earlier, I apologise. (This is one reason why I wish Dave would allow us to break his thread up! Dave, please be reasonable about this  :angry: ).
Anyway, could you please tell me what you find racist in Dave's posts? Crabby made the same charge but didn't back it up.
Oh, and your guesswork about my being "rich" is also wrong. Not that being wrong is unfamiliar to you. You can untwist your knickers now, GoP.

Naaah, I figured your job didn't pay the best, but your post implied otherwise, so I was just going along.

Dey can't 'andle my riddim.


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(Permalink) Posted: July 24 2006,22:31   


Internet bluster? Moi? I don't think so.

Was it I who advocated the beating of the mentally ill if engaged in offensive acts? Nope. Was it I who repeatedly posted pics of muscley men and cartoon characters about smashing "evos" and "libruls"? Nope. I could go on.

Please Ghosty, don't pretend to take the "high ground" with focussing on the "arguments". Let's get this straight, not only have you no arguments to focus on for more than the brief second it takes to realise you have no clue what you're talking about, but you are seriously deluded if you think that you have not done everything you can to slander those you oppose by association with Nazis or just outright insult them.

You can keep being a dishonest shit Ghosty, but don't expect to fool anyone.



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