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  Topic: AF Dave's UPDATED Creator God Hypothesis, Creation/Evolution Debate< Next Oldest | Next Newest >  

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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:21   

A good guess for the Flood of Noah is probably somewhere between 2000 and 3000 BC.

I don't do BCE.  Jesus the Christ earned the right to get the dates named after Him.

If some other religous leader wants to have a crack at it, they are welcome.

Just be as influential as Jesus was and you too can have dates referenced to your birth!

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:28   


Just be as influential as Jesus was and you too can have dates referenced to your birth!

so influential that 2/3 of the world think otherwise, eh?


I take it back.  there is absolutely no hope for you.

you drowned in the sea of your own ignorance too long ago to be served by a hand up from anybody here.

you're just a rotting corpse and don't know it yet.

but hey, I like zombie movies....


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:33   

I'm glad you said that, Dave,because that agrees with what the Bible says, when one works backwards ( or forwards) using the dates and lifespans given. But there's a problem, Dave: Your whole edifice of cards balances on this one point: that the Bible is absolutely true. Yet you admit that the Global flood, wiping out all things on the face of the Earth...happened at between 2000-3000 BCE. Let's look at why you are wrong:

During this period that the BIBLE says the "global flood " happened, the records of various groups continue uninterrupted: By 2375 BC, most of Sumer was united under one king, Lugalzaggisi of Umma, Sumerian records continue on.Uninterrupted by any mention of global flooding . The earliest surviving inscriptions in Akkadian go back to 2500 B.C. and are the oldest known written records in a Semitic tongue. They continue in an unbroken record.

Egyptian history during the Old Kingdom (2700-2200 BC) continues unbroken by global flooding . 2200 bc is the date of oldest existing document written on papyrus, prior to that, we have inscriptions and incised clay tablets as well.  The Chinese had settled in the Huang He (or "Ho" in some translations) , or Yellow River, valley of northern China by 3000 BC. In the Indus Vallley, we have  the  Early Harappa Phase C, 2550 BC  which continues unbroken to c.1900 BC . We also have the early minoan and mycenean groups in the mediterranean, and as for the new world, Researchers publishing in the Dec. 23 edition of the scientific journal Nature date the  first complex society of the Americas, from roughly 3000 to 1800 B.C. NONE of these groups were destroyed by any "global flood" NONE.

But you'll say it's all a lie, Dave, because the "dates" must be wrong, or some other similarly dishonest shit. But there's a problem with that, too, Dave.

 We have to either :
(1) reject the factual historicity of the Flood account;  
(2)accept the historicity of the Flood account, but explain away the clear Biblical dating of the event, showing the Bible is in error; or
(3) accept the Biblical account and chronology, and reject the massive amount of written and archaological evidence establishing the chronology of history in the near East. This chronolgy is not just supported by radiometric dating methods (C-14, etc.), but other absolute NON-radiometric methods as well: dendrochronology, corals, varves, ice cores, stalagmite/stalactites and more. Now, how could it be that ALL of those dating methods agree that no global flood happened and that the archaeology and other sources are correct?

You are the son of a missionary and a YEC (Young-Earth Creationist) , Dave, and I sincerely doubt that there was any time in which you critically, skeptically reviewed the claims of the Bible. Similarly, you know diddly-squat about science and yet embark on this idiotic campaign to use patently fallacious and erroneous claims against people that DO know science-- I myself spent 8 years at UCLA in Archaeology and Paleoanthro, Dave-- but you choose not to actually learn, you have your predetermined answers...and have had them since your daddy first indoctrinated you.
Instead what you have done and shown here time and time again, is to RETROFIT all available data to meet your initial claim of Biblical Literalism and Infallibility. Any data that does NOT fit ? Well, You claim it must be wrong, since the Bible is always right. This is not skepticism, Dave. This is manic, mindless fundamentalism.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:34   

Heh, I had to add this, given that AFDave thinks he's as "dangerous" as Newton and Maxwell.

You're not, Dave. You're a mediocre mind given to delusions of grandeur.

That is waaaaay to kind. I would compare his intellectual ability to another life form but none process less info than moronic sam freedom flying greased pig chasing head faaar up his ass moron idiot dave.

Idiot. Tell me how scientists figure out how old a fossil is. Oh yeah, your too stupid. Sorry. Hahahahahahah!


Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:36   

I suppose that we're living in the year 36 ABB*, then.

[strike]And answer the question, superdeaddude's just looking for a number, it shouldn't take that long to type.[/strike]  Aaaaaaaaand, now I'm the one lacking reading comprehension

*After Beatles Breakup

"Why waste time learning, when ignorance is instantaneous?" -Calvin


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:39   

has it been that long?


I guess that makes me officially middle-aged.

I better start doing something more productive than arguing with zombies.

bye Dave.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:39   

Quote (afdave @ May 17 2006,22:21)
A good guess for the Flood of Noah is probably somewhere between 2000 and 3000 BC.

Would you care to give us any evidence for this flood, Dave? I mean, other than reference to the Bible?

BTW, there is evidence for a flood at about that time (you can't get it closer than within a thousand years?), but it sure isn't evidence for a worldwide inundation. I'm wondering if you'll be able to produce it. N.B., though; the evidence doesn't really support your assertion.
I don't do BCE.  Jesus the Christ earned the right to get the dates named after Him.

For most geological events (the most recent ice age, the end of the Cretaceous, the end of the Hadean), the difference between citing dates B.C.E. and B.C. is utterly trivial. It's the difference between me saying I was born 44 years ago and saying I was born 44 years and 3 X 10^-6 seconds ago.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams

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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:46   

Missionary AFDave says
A good guess for the Flood of Noah is probably somewhere between 2000 and 3000 BC.

Of course you're working hard to provide the actual scientific evidence of this, right Dave?  Your mouth has been writing this check for almost a month now, but your pea brain hasn't been able to back the cash.  You, me, the whole board knows you're lying about your non-existant "evidence" again, but that's just part of the con, isn't it?

Gotta hand it to ya Dave- when it comes to making a fool out of yourself in public, you're no. 1 with a bullet.  Seems like you're use to being laughed at though - wonder why that is?   Looks like your continued "lying for Jesus" has ticked off alot of people too.  Can't say as I blame them.  Having an arrogant little prick like you lie about your motives and spit on the kind offers to educate you does rub one the wrong way.

Do you really think you're doing the Lord's Work ™ with your attitude and your dishonesty?

Pathetic Dave, you're just pathetic.

"CO2 can't re-emit any trapped heat unless all the molecules point the right way"
"All the evidence supports Creation baraminology"
"If it required a mind, planning and design, it isn't materialistic."
"Jews and Christians are Muslims."

- Joke "Sharon" Gallien, world's dumbest YEC.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,17:53   

Just for clarification, Dave:

Remember those three assertions you made? Biblical inerrancy, an age of the earth measured in thousands of years, and the impossibility of evolution? Just so we're clear, am I to understand that you are not planning to support any of them with actual evidence?

I just want to know whether I should continue waiting.

2006 MVD award for most dogged defense of scientific sanity

"Atheism is a religion the same way NOT collecting stamps is a hobby." —Scott Adams


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,18:09   

oooh!  Princess Bride is on AMC right now (no joke)!

that's better than a zombie flick any day.

Arden Chatfield

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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,18:24   

Quote (afdave @ May 17 2006,22:21)
A good guess for the Flood of Noah is probably somewhere between 2000 and 3000 BC.

Except that Noah's flood didn't happen, Dave. That means these dates are meaningless.

People who tell you otherwise are lying to you.


"Rich is just mad because he thought all titties had fur on them until last week when a shorn transvestite ruined his childhood dreams by jumping out of a spider man cake and man boobing him in the face lips." - Erasmus


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,18:28   

In logic, there is a standard example given that if one asserts that all geese are white, the existence of one black goose negates the claim, Dave. The gaggle of black geese saying that the world did not experience the global deluge referred to in Genesis is more than enough.

Oh, and I noticed I didn't give the year on the Nature article--it's 2004. The online summary is at :

Here's some other references for your perusal, dave, slight emphasis on dendro:
Stuiver, Minze, et al, 1986. Radiocarbon age calibration back to 13,300 years BP and the 14 C age matching of the German Oak and US bristlecone pine chronologies. IN: Calibration issue / Stuiver, Minze, et al., Radiocarbon 28(2B): 969-979
Becker, B. & Kromer, B., 1993. The continental tree-ring record - absolute chronology, C-14 calibration and climatic-change at 11 KA. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 103 (1-2): 67-71.
Becker, B., Kromer, B. & Trimborn, P., 1991. A stable-isotope tree-ring timescale of the late glacial Holocene boundary. Nature 353 (6345): 647-649
Iversen, J. Jouzel, B. Stauffer, & J. P. Steffensen, 1992. Irregular glacial interstadials recorded in a new Greenland ice core. Nature 359: 311-313
Chang, Kwang-chih, The Archaeology of Ancient China, Yale University Press, fourth ed., 1986

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,21:14   

Quote (afdave @ May 17 2006,22:21)
A good guess for the Flood of Noah is probably somewhere between 2000 and 3000 BC.

I don't do BCE.  Jesus the Christ earned the right to get the dates named after Him.

If some other religous leader wants to have a crack at it, they are welcome.

Just be as influential as Jesus was and you too can have dates referenced to your birth!

Many here have already addressed the issue of the Global Flood but I wish to address the issue of acronyms.

Cited from Wikipedia:

According to Peter Daniels (a Cornell University and University of Chicago trained linguist):

CE and BCE came into use in the last few decades, perhaps originally in Ancient Near Eastern studies, where (a) there are many Jewish scholars and (b) dating according to a Christian era is irrelevant. It is indeed a question of sensitivity.

However, the term "common era" has earlier antecedents. A 1716 book by English Bishop John Prideaux says, "The vulgar era, by which we now compute the years from his incarnation." In 1835, in his book Living Oracles, Alexander Campbell, wrote "The vulgar Era, or Anno Domini; the fourth year of Jesus Christ, the first of which was but eight days." In its article on Chronology, the 1908 Catholic Encyclopedia uses the sentence: "Foremost among these (dating eras) is that which is now adopted by all civilized peoples and known as the Christian, Vulgar or Common Era, in the twentieth century of which we are now living."

Up until 1532, Europe used the Julian Calendar which consisted of 365 days in the year. Prior to 1 BCE, priests had been adding leap years, and that ceased until 9 CE. The inconsistancies this made in error of "time" in relation to a year has a deficit on either side of a given year by 5 years. The Gregorian Calendar was supposed to fix this, but still there is a deficit of around 5 years on either side.

So succinctly speaking there is NO accurate calendar date for Jesus especially using our current calendar system and our old one. Closest one may probably get is using the Jewish Calendar. So the argument of BC as opposed to BCE is a ludicrous one because 1BC could actually be either 6 BCE or 6 CE. Something to think about, huh? Common Era dispells that inaccuracy.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 17 2006,23:50   

Yes. I'm dangerous and so was Newton and Maxwell.

While I can't claim to have actually known either of those eminent scientists, I think I'm safe in saying: dave, you are no Jim Maxwell  :D

It's interesting you bring up Newton, though. In addition to being a deist and a mathematician, he was also an astrologer and an alchemist.  However, he's only famous for being a mathematician. I wonder why that is...


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,01:14   

Yes. I'm dangerous and so was Newton and Maxwell.
It's pretty funny that some people think I was claiming equal status with N and M in this quote!  You might go read the context if you are as intellectually honest as you say you are.  On the other hand, if you are as intellectually honest as I think you are, don't bother, and I'll just continue in my perception of you.

Sounds to me like everyone is very interested in hearing about my evidence for the Flood, young age of the earth, etc., so we will move quickly through the CS Lewis morality thing.  It's an important foundational one, though, because it is just one more evidence for a Creator.

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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,01:31   

because it is just one more evidence for a Creator.

It implies there has been "other" evidence. That's why people here calls you a liar. We are still waiting on the FIRST bit of evidence, liar.

And now you are going to flog the morality horse... Deja Vu yet again... is there nothing new???


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,01:42   

Quote (afdave @ May 18 2006,06:14)
Yes. I'm dangerous and so was Newton and Maxwell.
It's pretty funny that some people think I was claiming equal status with N and M in this quote!

You weren't? What were you doing then? To whom are you dangerous? To whom were Maxwell and Newton dangerous?

You might go read the context if you are as intellectually honest as you say you are.

I think you must be confusing me with someone else.
You claimed the realization that disease bacteria are "designed" to injure and kill people might lead to a revoultionary breakthrough in treating infectious diseases.  Have you told any actual microbiologists about how they're getting it all wrong?

 On the other hand, if you are as intellectually honest as I think you are, don't bother, and I'll just continue in my perception of you.

Be my guest.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,02:15   

No, Dave, I don't want to hear a bunch of YEC drivel. What I want is for you, as a person,  to explain why your flood date range is occupied by people who wrote nothing of it and never vanished at that time. IF there was a global flood, all those people would have died. The general date given for the flood is 2250-2300 BCE, Dave. and even if you extend that back further, the Egyptians were still building early step pyramids, like that of Zoser.  

The Egyptians didn't get wiped out, Dave. Nor the Chinese. Nor the Sumerians. Nor the Harappans. Nor the Early Amerinds. WHY? Because the Bible was wrong on this matter, Dave. If you can't address that directly, then you are more mental than I thought.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,03:05   

Quote (afdave @ May 17 2006,22:21)
A good guess for the Flood of Noah is probably somewhere between 2000 and 3000 BC.

I said it before, Dave has led a life sheltered from any real science and history. He's been lied too since he was a child.

He's not the only one; Colonel James Irwin, the late moon-walking Apollo astronaut, looked for Noah's Ark:

It's so surprising to us because one has to be so ignorant of history and science to believe such a thing, and yet here is an Apollo astronaut looking for Noah's Ark.

But it turns out our military is a hotbed of fundamentalism. These are the guys fighting Muslims in Iraq.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,03:45   

Quote (ericmurphy @ May 17 2006,22:53)
Just for clarification, Dave:

Remember those three assertions you made? Biblical inerrancy, an age of the earth measured in thousands of years, and the impossibility of evolution? Just so we're clear, am I to understand that you are not planning to support any of them with actual evidence?

I just want to know whether I should continue waiting.

Looks like you have your answer:

Quote (afdave @ May 18 2006,06:14)
Sounds to me like everyone is very interested in hearing about my evidence for the Flood, young age of the earth, etc., so we will move quickly through the CS Lewis morality thing.

Translation: "Since everyone is asking for evidence, it's time for afdave to change the subject again."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,04:43   

Translation: "Since everyone is asking for evidence, it's time for afdave to change the subject again."
Qetzal-- I have not changed the subject on this thread or any other thread.  I have stayed right on topic on other threads, and will continue on topic on this thread also. I have given you three good evidences for the veracity of the Bible's claims about God, namely that Someone  Somewhere is a Brilliant Designer and Engineer, that Someone Somewhere probably set the parameters in the cosmos just right for life to exist, and that Someone Somewhere likely caused the universe to have a beginning because it looks like it did indeed have a beginning.  And I have shown you the plausibility of the concept of some Being "living outside of time and space."  Now if that is not evidence to you, then I cannot help that.  It is what it is and it's excellent evidence to me.  To all the lurkers out there, I trust you will have sense enough to read all my posts on this thread and make your own judgment.

And now we will look at the "Phenomenon of Morality in the Universe."  Why does this provide evidence of a Creator?

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,04:56   

I thought you'd ignore what I posted, Dave, and plow ahead without addressing it. See, this is the thing about debate, Dave -- you're supposed to address counterarguments *before* plowing ahead. You're supposed to follow a basic protocol of give-and-take.

You can't, because you can't deal with reality, you can only hope that you're "winning" with some imaginary audience of lurkers.  

Before you move on in what you want to be your little monologue, Dave..address directly what I posted. THEN move on. Don't avoid my direct disagreements with your claims. If you wanted to DEBATE these issues, debate them. If you cannot, then why bother saying that you are trying to convince others of the errors in their thinking?

Have some morals and ethics before you go off stealing C.S. Lewis' inane gibberish about morality.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,05:08   

Dave, let me save you another 12 pages of pointless arguing by presenting you with a 4-sentence display of your morality hypothesis:

Everything we consider moral is because God set it so in our souls.

Everything we consider immoral is because God set it so in our souls.

Everything we consider immoral  that was once moral is because those people in the past were sinners.

Everything we consider moral that was once immoral is because people today are sinners.

Fair enough?
And guess what? We agree. Everyone will tell you that this is as good as evidence for the existence of God as those previous three assump... evidence you gave. Now, can you move along? Not that I care, I'm just trying to save the forum some bandwidth.

BTW, I have a small request at the Ape thread. Can you do it please?

A look into DAVE HAWKINS' sense of honesty:

"The truth is that ALL mutations REDUCE information"

"...mutations can add information to a genome.  And remember, I have never said that this is not possible."


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,05:19   

I thought you'd ignore what I posted, Dave, and plow ahead without addressing it. See, this is the thing about debate, Dave -- you're supposed to address counterarguments *before* plowing ahead. You're supposed to follow a basic protocol of give-and-take.
Your counter arguments have nothing to do with the evidence for a Creator God presented by me so far.  They are all about the Flood which comes later in my sequence.  If I run off down every rabbit trail out of sequence, it will do no one any good.  Your question will be answered in detail in the proper sequence.

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,05:24   


I forgot, Davey-dog, where are we in the sequence? Are we at the part where GodDidIt yet?

Hahahahahahahahaha!!!! Jesus you are stupid. Does it hurt?

I'll make you a challenge Davey-dog:

I'll debate you in a post for post debate and if you can prove me wrong in my hypothesis that you are an utter moron, then I'll let you write a post on my blog. If I win, you let me write a post on your blog.

The question will be the age of the earth. I argue for over 4 billion years, you argue for something less than that.


Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,05:26   

Dave, you BEGAN this thread with the premise of an inerrant Bible and God. Don't LIE. I am questioning your basic PREMISES for a reason -- because as I said, your entire house of cards rests on it. There is no "proper sequence" that can avoid this fundamental issue, since you MADE it a FUNDAMENTAL issue of your argument. Deal with what I asked, Dave. Be a man. Have some ethics.

AtBC Award for Thoroughness in the Face of Creationism


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,05:55   

Dave, you BEGAN this thread with the premise of an inerrant Bible and God. Don't LIE. I am questioning your basic PREMISES for a reason -- because as I said, your entire house of cards rests on it. There is no "proper sequence" that can avoid this fundamental issue, since you MADE it a FUNDAMENTAL issue of your argument. Deal with what I asked, Dave. Be a man. Have some ethics.

AF Dave said ...  
A. There is a God -- My hypothesis proposes that there is a Super Intelligent, Incredibly Powerful Being -- I choose to call him God -- who has knowledge of scientific laws far more advanced than anything ever discovered by 21st Century humans.  These scientific laws are so powerful that this Being can literally "speak" material things into existence and destroy things with a simple command.  This Being lives "outside of time" and can view what we call "the future" and "the past" with equal ease.

This is my first proposal on this thread.  Do you seeing anything about an "inerrant Bible"?  I don't.

As for my sequence, you can also find it on this thread on May 15, but I'll repeat it for you ...  
(1) Observe nature and draw inferences:  this only gets us so far, i.e. we conclude that there is an "ET" (or ET's) out there who is a Super-Intelligent Engineer, this ET might possibly live outside of space and time, and this "ET" might be the originator of this stange, universal "moral code" which we observe.  So we hold these thoughts and move through the rest of the process.

(2) If we accept (1), then we can make some predictions, one of which would be: "This 'ET' probably can communicate to humans."  How?  Dunno, but there certainly are a lot of competing claims out there -- many "prophets" and "holy books" claiming to be speaking for God or Allah or whoever. Could any one of them stand up to scrutiny?  So we compare some "holy books" and investigate the claims.  We focus in particular on the Christian Bible.  Why would we waste our time on this?  Well ... several good reasons.  We have reason to believe that the Christian Bible is unique among "religious books" for some pretty big reasons.  Former agnostic Josh McDowell gets into this in "Evidence that Demands a Verdict." I will explain some of these later, but it's enough to say for now that I have a convincing case for at least taking the time to honestly investigate the claims of the Bible.

(3) I begin investigating the Bible and I find many weird things.  But I know from experience that often times truth is stranger than fiction, so I keep investigating.  One by one, the supposed "difficulties" in the Bible keep falling as I learn more.  By the time I am done investigating the historicity of the Bible, its amazing predictions and fulfillments, the evidence in favor of Genesis 1-11 as actual history, its accurate description of the human condition, and other factors, there is not anything sensible to me to conclude except that some Unseen, Incredible Mind somewhere caused this book--the Bible--to be written.

(4) This is the end of the evidence that I can detect with my senses.  From this point forward, I have no choice but to make a "leap of faith" in some direction.  My choices are to A--do nothing B--reject the evidence I have just discovered or C--put 2 and 2 together and make what appears to me to be only a small "leap of faith" and conclude that the "Mind" that superintended the writing of the Bible is the same "Mind" that created the wonders of Nature.  Is this so unreasonable?

(5) Risk analysis.  Having walked through this entire process, I now am faced squarely with the claim from the Bible:  "Believe me and spend eternity with me when you die." (God supposedly speaking) or "Don't believe me and spend eternity separated from me.  It's your choice, Dave.  I won't force you.  I have given you abundant evidence for My existence.  If this evidence is not enough, what evidence WOULD be enough?"  I have to choose, and it basically boils down to risk analysis.  Which of the two possible choices seems less risky?

(6) And so I did choose.  I chose to believe the Bible based on what I considered to be overwhelming evidence in favor of believing it.  To me, it appears to be sheer folly to go against such evidence as I have seen.

(7) Now that I have made that choice, all I can tell you is that I am a changed man.  Ask my wife.  I know this is not scientific evidence.  That stopped after Point 3.  I can only tell you that I used to be interested in myself only.  I have not become perfect (I'm too cocky and too smart-alecky among other things), but there is now a new force for good within me which many times overcomes my selfish desires--the Bible tells me that this is the Spirit of God which apparently comes and somehow "dwells within" believers.  Now I genuinely care for others as well as myself and it really doesn't bother me much if people make fun of me.  I have a very single minded goal in life -- to be used by my Creator for His purposes during my brief stay here on this earth.

Notice that I do not claim Biblical innerrancy until after the hard work of slogging through the first 3 points in this sequence.

And I am out of time for today ... The C.S. Lewis Morality argument will have to wait until tomorrow!

A Hi-tech alien spaceship lands on earth ... DESIGNED.
A Hi-tech alien rotary motor found in a cell ... NOT DESIGNED.


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(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,06:01   

I have given you three good evidences for the veracity of the Bible's claims about God, namely that Someone  Somewhere is a Brilliant Designer and Engineer, that Someone Somewhere probably set the parameters in the cosmos just right for life to exist, and that Someone Somewhere likely caused the universe to have a beginning because it looks like it did indeed have a beginning.  And I have shown you the plausibility of the concept of some Being "living outside of time and space."  Now if that is not evidence to you, then I cannot help that.  It is what it is and it's excellent evidence to me.  To all the lurkers out there, I trust you will have sense enough to read all my posts on this thread and make your own judgment.

And now we will look at the "Phenomenon of Morality in the Universe."  Why does this provide evidence of a Creator?

STOP...right there...and wait a moment....

You have not shown us evidence...
You have shown us reasoning....

Let me see if I can explain the difference to you...
You find a human body laying on the banks of a is beaten, bloody, and bruised.  You are a forensic investigator.

Evidence would be hair fibers from another person, skin cells under the fingernails.  It would be any "thing" that every single person presented with the same "thing" would come to the same conclusion if given the appropriate scientific knowledge to understand the "thing".

Assuming is quite different. Assuming would be the conclusion that the person was attacked and beaten.  Reasoning would be that since the body was found beaten in such an obscure location the person was most likely murdered.  Reasoning is a conclusion that might be shared by most people...but is not guaranteed to be shared by most people.

So before we go any have not provided us with evidence of anything.  The flagellum, for example, is not evidence of an Intelligent Designer.  The flagellum is an indicator of an Intelligent Designer.  Assumptions might lead one to believe that a flagellum is a reason for believing in an intelligent designer...but it isnt evidence of one.

An example of "evidence" would be dinosaur bones.  Without any difficulty almost anyone in the world would recognize that dinosaur bones are remains from a living animal.  The way the dinosaur lived, and the time at which the dinosaur lived might be considered assumptions...but fossils are evidence of dinosaurs.

Notice in your "evidence" that you use the words "likely", "probably", "looks like", and "plausibility".  These are not words used in evidence.  The are words used when making assumptions.  Quit lying and claiming that you have presented havent.
At best you have presented arguments...and weak ones at that. not mention "morality in the universe".  Morality does not exist on some universal scale.  When one planet destroys another planet...that is not immoral.  Morality is not even universal for animals.  Some animals kill their own young.  Some animals will readily commit cannabilism.  Morality is somewhat constant for 'social animals'....but this would tend to lend evidence towards evolution rather than creation.  An argument is that morality is the product of order for societal animals to survive they developed morality.  This natural morality would have evolved in different species at different times if it truly was beneficial.  If morality is the divine instruction of God...then either all animals would be moral or only humans.  He wouldnt have haphazardly handed out morality.

This is really about to become a painful event...your probably pulling your "universal morality" off of some website...which is even worse because it indicates that AFDave lacks original thinking skills....

Oh least this should be entertaining :(


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Joined: Jan. 2006

(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,06:06   

Jesus Davey,

WHy C.S. Lewis? WHy not Dostoyevsky? Any good philosopher knows that C&P is where it's at baby.  Oh yeah, you're not a good philosopher. You're an idiot.

Please, figure out how to lessen the pressure that your head is creating in your rectum. It might be easier to read the questions you have been asked.

Tell me about the himalayas Davey-dog. Why are they so high? Why are the Appalachians so low? Why are there fossils of the same creatures on both sides of the Atlantic when the modern creatures are so dissimilar? Does your god prefer pepsi or coke?

Idiot. Answer a question. Oh yeah, I keep forgetting, you are too stupid.

Who said that ev'ry wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star
Somebody thought of that, and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

The Daily Wingnut

Rilke's Granddaughter

Posts: 311
Joined: Jan. 2005

(Permalink) Posted: May 18 2006,06:09   

Dave said
Qetzal-- I have not changed the subject on this thread or any other thread.  I have stayed right on topic on other threads, and will continue on topic on this thread also.
Now, we note that the OP is about evidence for God.  Unfortunately, Dave has yet to present any evidence for God.
I have given you three good evidences for the veracity of the Bible's claims about God, namely that Someone  Somewhere is a Brilliant Designer and Engineer, that Someone Somewhere probably set the parameters in the cosmos just right for life to exist, and that Someone Somewhere likely caused the universe to have a beginning because it looks like it did indeed have a beginning.
Dave, it's a darn good thing you're a businessman, because you know nothing about logic or argument.  Consider those three claims:  
Someone  Somewhere is a Brilliant Designer and Engineer
You have not provided evidence of this - you have made this assertion but failed to support it.
that Someone Somewhere probably set the parameters in the cosmos just right for life to exist,
Again, this is not evidence.  This is assertion. There is no way to distinguish a case of the universe existing by chance with these characteristics and a God having set them.

In fact, the existence of humanity in a universe where the constants were not favorable to the existence of humanity would actually be something approaching evidence.

Making things up is dishonest, Dave.  And dishonesty is one of those no-nos for Christians, right?  So why do it?

and that Someone Somewhere likely caused the universe to have a beginning because it looks like it did indeed have a beginning.
Hilarious.  Now you're indulging in logical fallacies to support your unsupported assertions.

This is an actual logical fallacy called "affirming the consequent"  For example: "If it is raining, the ground is wet. The ground is wet. Therefore it is raining." Since there exist things other than rain that cause the ground to be wet, you cannot logically conclude that it rained from a wet sidewalk.

Provide some evidence Dave; some real data.  Your Bible-based presuppositions don't count as actual data.

And I have shown you the plausibility of the concept of some Being "living outside of time and space."
No, actually you haven't.  You have claimed that such a thing can exist, despite the failure of logic involved in the claim.
 Now if that is not evidence to you, then I cannot help that.  It is what it is and it's excellent evidence to me.
But Dave, at the risk of offending you, you're not very bright: it's not evidence.  To claim it is is akin to claiming that fewmets are evidence that Bill Clinton is eight feet tall.

To all the lurkers out there, I trust you will have sense enough to read all my posts on this thread and make your own judgment.
They have.  They think you're an idiot.  Should we start a thread on that topic?  We could let the lurkers vote.

And now we will look at the "Phenomenon of Morality in the Universe."  Why does this provide evidence of a Creator?
It doesn't, because it doesn't exist.

Do try to stop making things up and uttering falsehoods long enough to hold an actual discussion, won't you Dave?  Thanks.

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